Edward Lear's Nonsense Books

A book Of Nonsense, Nonsense Rhymes And Pictures, Nonsense Songs
(including The Owl And The Pussy-cat), Cookery, Stories, Botany,
and Alphabets c 1894, Online books.

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THIS is, as far as I know, a fairly complete collection of Lear's nonsense books: The first "Book of Nonsense" was published in 1846. Three other volumes,—"Nonsense Songs, Stories, etc.," published in 1871; "More Nonsense Pictures, etc.," in 1872; and "Laughable Lyrics: A Fresh Book of Nonsense, etc.," in 1877,—comprise all the "Nonsense Books" written by Mr. Lear. I have not been able to find out if he particularly had in mind that these should be children's books but the fact is children generally love them.