Edward Lear's Nonsense Books

Edward Lear's nonsense books complete set - online version

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But remained on the rails of the Junction.           You disgusting old man of Ibreem!"
There was an old person of Minety, Who purchased five hundred and ninety Large apples and pears, which he threw unawares
There was an old person of Wilts, Who constantly walked upon stilts; He wreathed them with lilies and daffy-down-dillies, That elegant person of Wilts.
At the heads of the people of Minety.
There was an old man of Thermopylae,
Who never did anything properly;
But they said, "If you choose to boil eggs in
your shoes,
You shall never remain in Thermopylae."
There was an old person of Grange, Whose manners were scroobious and strange; He sailed to St. Blubb in a waterproof tub, That aquatic old person of Grange.