Edward Lear's Nonsense Books

Edward Lear's nonsense books complete set - online version

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There was an old person of Blythe,
Who cut up his meat with a scythe;
When they said, "Well! I never!" he cried, "Scythes
for ever!"
That lively old person of Blythe.
There was an old person of Wick,
Who said, "Tick-a-Tick, Tick-a-Tick;
Chickabee, Chickabaw." And he said nothing
That laconic old person of Wick.
There was an old man at a Station,
Who made a promiscuous oration;
But they said, "Take some snuff!—You have
talk'd quite enough,
You afflicting old man at a Station!"
There was a young person of Ayr,
Whose head was remarkably square:
On the top, in fine weather, she wore a gold
Which dazzled the people of Ayr.