Edward Lear's Nonsense Books

Edward Lear's nonsense books complete set - online version

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There was an old person of Rimini, There was an old man of Three Bridges,
Who said, "Gracious! Goodness! O Gimini!" Whose mind was distracted by midges,
When they said, "Please be still!" she ran down a He sate on a wheel, eating underdone veal,
hill, Which relieved that old man of Three Bridges.
And was never more heard of at Rimini.
There was an old man of Hong Kong, Who never did anything wrong; He lay on his back, with his head in a sack, That innocuous old man of Hong Kong.
There is a young lady, whose nose,
Continually prospers and grows;
When it grew out of sight, she exclaimed in a
"Oh! Farewell to the end of my nose!"
There was a young person in green, Who seldom was fit to be seen; She wore a long shawl, over bonnet and all, Which enveloped that person in green.