ABROAD(in France)

Illustrated rhyming children's picture book by Felix Leigh

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PARIS, gay Pari so bright and so fair,
Your sun is all smiles, and there's mirth in your air.
The children, though tired with their travelling, found That the first night in Paris one's sleep is not sound, For the hum of the streets makes one dream ali the night Of the wonderful sights that will come with the light.
The morning was fine, and—breakfast despatched—
They soon made their way to the Gardens attached
To the old Royal Palace, and there met a throng
Of French children, and joined in their games before long.
One boy lent his hoop, and gave Bertie a bun. And—talking quite fast—seemed to think it great fun With nice English girls like our Nellie to play, Though not understanding a word she might say.
On leaving the Gardens, the party were seated
Outside of a cafey and there Papa treated
Them all to fine ices and chocolate too ;
They could hardly tell which was the nicer—could you ?
Paris, gay Paris,
So bright and so fair ! Your sun is all smiles.
And there's mirth in your air !