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he pranced and capered about, mimicking the frolics of the little favourite, upsetting the table and smashing the crockery with his clumsy efforts. Not content with that, he even tried to jump on his master's lap, as he had so often seen the dog allowed to do. At that the servants, seeing the danger their master was in, belaboured the silly Ass with sticks and cudgels, and drove him back to his stable half dead with his beating. " Alas ! ' he cried, ' all this I have brought on myself. Why could I not be satisfied with my natural and honourable position, without wishing to imitate the ridiculous antics of that useless little Lap-dog ? M |
A FIR-TREE was boasting to a Bramble, and said, somewhat contemptuously, " You poor creature, you are of no use whatever. Now, look at me: I am useful for all sorts of things, particularly when men build houses ; they can't do without me then." But the Bramble replied, " Ah, that's all very well : but you wait till they come with axes and saws to cut you down, and then you'll wish you were a Bramble and not a Fir."
Better poverty without a care than wealth with its many obligations. |
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