AESOP'S FABLES - online children's book

300 favourite fables with illustrations by Arthur Rackham

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A N Olive-tree taunted a Fig-tree with the loss of her leaves at a certain season of the year. " You/ she said, ' lose your leaves every autumn, and are bare till the spring : whereas I, as you see, remain green and flourishing all the year round." Soon afterwards there came a heavy fall of snow, which settled on the leaves of the Olive so that she bent and broke under the weight ; but the flakes fell harmlessly through the bare branches of the Fig, which survived to bear many another crop.
O NE hot and thirsty day in the height of summer a Lion and a Boar came down to a little spring at the same moment to drink. In a trice they were quarrelling as to who should drink first. The quarrel soon became a fight and they attacked one another with the utmost fury. Presently, stopping for a moment to take breath, they saw some vultures seated on a rock above evidently waiting for one of them to be killed, when they would fly down and feed upon the carcase. The sight sobered them at once, and they made up their quarrel, saying, We had much better be friends than fight and be eaten by vultures."