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bought me and brought me home with him." You impudent bird," said the Cat, " how dare you, a newcomer, make a noise like that ? Why, I was born here, and have lived here all my life, and yet, if I venture to mew, they throw things at me and chase me all over the place." ' Look here, mistress," said the Parrot, " you just hold your tongue. My voice they delight in ; but yours—yours is a perfect nuisance." |
A STAG was chased by the hounds, and took refuge in a cave, where he hoped to be safe from his pursuers. Unfortunately the cave contained a Lion, to whom he fell an easy prey. Unhappy that I am," he cried, ' I am saved from the power of the dogs only to fall into the clutches of a Lion."
Out of the fryingpan into the fire. |
CERTAIN man fell ill. and, being in a very bad way, he made a vow that he would sacrifice a hundred oxen to the gods if they would grant him a return to health. Wishing to see how he would keep his vow, 194 |