Alice Through The Looking-Glass

Illustrated children's book by Lewis Carroll - online version

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" I don't care about the color," the Tiger-lily re­marked. " If only her petals curled up a little more, she'd be all right."
Alice didn't like being criticised, so she began asking questions. " Aren't you sometimes fright­ened at being planted out here, with nobody to take care of you ? "
" There's the tree in the middle," said the Rose : " what else is it good for ? "
"But what could it do, if any danger came?" Alice asked.
" It could bark," said the Rose.
"It says ' Bough-wough!' " cried a Daisy; "that's why its branches are called boughs!"
"Didn't you know that?" cried another Daisy, and here they all began shouting together, till the air seemed quite full of little shrill voices. " Silence, every one of you ! " cried the Tiger-lilj^ waving itself passionately from side to side, and trembling with excitement. " They know I can't get at them !" it panted, bending its quivering head toward Alice, " or they wouldn't dare to do it!"
" Never mind! " Alice said in a soothing tone, and stooping down to the daisies, who were just beginning again, she whispered, " If you don't Void your tongues, I'll pick you!"