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111 said to him, I said it plain, 1 Then you must wake them up again.1
"Isaid it very loud and clear ; I went and shouted in his ear.11
Humpty Dumpty raised his voice almost to a scream as he repeated this verse, and Alice thought with a shudder, "I wouldn't have been the messenger for anything I "
" But he was very stiff and proud; He said i You needn't shout so loud I'
11 And he was very proud and stiff; He said l Vd go and wake them, if------'
" Itook a corkscrew from the shelf: I went to wake them up myself.
"And when I found the door was locked, I pulled and pushed and kicked and knocked.
"And when I found the door was shut, I tried to turn the handle, but------"
There was a long pause. "Is that all?" Alice timidly asked. "That's all," said Humpty Dumpty. "Goodbye."
This was rather sudden, Alice thought: but, |