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a whole set of fire-irons falling into the fender! And how quiet the horses aie ! The}' let them get on and off them just as if they were tables!"
Another Rule of Battle, that Alice had not noticed, seemed to be that they always fell on their heads, and the battle ended with their both falling off in this way, side by side: when they got up again, they shook hands, and then the Red Knight mounted and galloped off.
"It was a glorious victory, wasn't it? " said the White Knight, as he came up panting.
" I don't know," Alice said doubtfully. " I don't want to be anybody's prisoner. I want to a Queen."
" So you will, when you've crossed the next brook," said the White Knight. " I'll see you safe
to the end of the wood------and then I must go
back, you know. That's the end of my move."
" Thank you very much," said Alice. " May I help you off with your helmet ?" It was evidently more than he could manage by Himself; however she managed to shake him out of it at last.
" Now one can breathe more easily," said the Knight, putting back his shaggy hair with both hands, and turning his gentle face and large mild eyes to Alice. She thought she had never seen such a strange-looking soldier in all her life. |