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two heaped teaspoonfuls of salt and one teaspoonful of finely-mixed onions, four tablespoonfuls of the Onest olive oil, and beat all to a paste with the spoon. When quite smooth add gradually eight tablespoonfuls of vinegar, stirring constantly all the time, which will make your salad dressing rather thicker than cream. If not thin enough, a little more vinegar may be added Last of all, to this quantity put one tablespoonful of anchovy sauce, and when the mixture is poured over your salad you may have no fear of the result.
To Curry the Cold Rabbit.—Take one large onion, chop it small; put it into a stew-pan with two ounces of butter; let it stew gently until it assumes a gold color; then add the pieces of rabbit that were left, just as they are, and let them get quite hot through; next mix one tablespoonful of the curry powder and one tablespoonful of flour, with enough of the gravy left the day before to make them into a smooth paste ; add this to the rabbit and the onion; stir all well over the above for five minutes; pour in the remainder of the gravy; let the whole simmer for five minutes more, and it is ready. Arrange some plain boiled rice around the edge of a dish— pour the curry, which will be a good gold color, into the center and at once.
To ragout the cold chicken, carve the chicken into neat joints, reserving all the scraps, bones and trimmings for after-use; make 2 ounces of butter hot in a frying-pan ; fry the pieces of chicken over a sharp fire for five minutes till they are a light brown; lay them on a napkin to drain. Take enough of your strained soup to cover them ; thicken it with a tablespoonful of flour, 1 of mushroom catsup and 1 of port wine ; boil it; arrange the pieces of chicken in a dish; pour the gravy over them and place around a few small sippets of crisp dry bread.
For the hashed venison, place the jar containing the slices of venison and the gravy (as directed for ragout of chicken), in a saucepan of boiling water, and let it boil for half an hour; take the venison out and lay it on a hot dish ; put the hot gravy into a small enameled sauce-pan ; add 1 tablespoonful currant jelly and 1 of port wine to it; give it one boil, stirring all the time to melt the jelly; pour the gravy boiling hot over the venison and serve at once. The cold mashed potatoes of the day before maybe arranged like a wall around the dish and baked in a moderate oven for half an hour. |
Note.—If the rabbit had not been already stewed a very different process would be followed. The flavors acquired in stewing render nothing necessary for the curry but the above. |