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SOUPS AND BROTHS.                               49
in a mortar with a little butter, 1-4 of a nutmeg grated and a tea-spoonful of flour, to which add a quart of cream. Cut the tails in pieces and boil them with the cream and soup. Serve it with force meat balls made of the residue of the lobsters, mace, pepper, salt, some bread crumbs and 1 or 2 eggs; the balls should be made of flour and heated in the soup.
Crab Soup—(Creole).—Take 12 ormore young, raw and fat crabs, open and clean them and cut them in two. Parboil and pick the meat from the claws and the fat from the top shell; scald 18 ripe tomatoes ; skin and squeeze the pulp from the seed and chop it fine, scald the seeds and juice; use it for making the soup. Put 3 or 4 large onions into the soup pot for a short time, 1 clove of garlic in 1 spoonful of butter, 2 spoonfuls of lard. After stewing a few min­utes add the meat from the crab claws, then the crabs, and last the fat from the back shell of the crab, sift over it grated bread crumbs or cracker dust. Season with salt, black pepper, parsley, sweet mar­joram, thyme, 1-2 teaspoonful each of lemon juice and the peel of a lemon, put in the water with which the seed were scalded and boil it moderately 1 hour. The onions should be boiled a little before used. Any fish of firm flesh can be used instead of the crab.
Shrimp Soup.—Two quarts of fish stock, 2 pints of shrimps, the crumbs of a french roll. Tomato or mushroom catsup, to taste, 1 blade of mace, 1-4 pint vinegar, a little lemon peel, pick out the tails of the shrimps or not, put the bodies in a stew pan with 1 blade of mace. 1-4 pint vinegar and the same quantity 0/ water; stew them for 10 minutes and strain off the liquor. Put the fish stock into a stew pan, add the strained liquor, pound the shrimps with the crumbs of a roll moistened with a little of .the soup, rub them through a fine sieve and mix them by degrees with the soup, add catsup to taste with a little lemon sauce; when it is well cooked put in some picked shrimps, let them get thor­oughly hot and serve. If not thick enough put in a little butter and flour. Cook 1 hour. Seasonable at any time. Sufficient for 8 persons.
Fish STOck (for Fish Soups.)—Two lbs. of veal (these can be omit­ted), any kind of white fish, trimmings of fish which are to be dressed for table, 2 ounces, the rind of 1-4 lemon, a bunch of sweet herbs, 2 carrots, 2 quarts of water. Cut the fish up and put it with the other ingredients into water, simmer for 2 hours, skim the liquor carefully and strain it; when a richer stock is wanted fry the vege­tables and fish before adding the water. Simmer 2 hours.
N. B. Do not make fish stock long before it is wanted, as it spoils.
Eel Soup.—To 2 quarts of water put 3 lbs, of small eels, a crust