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thick, then add a large tablespoonful of butter. Lay a little of this sauce on the bottom of a dish, then a layer of fish, picked free from the bones, alternately, until all your material is used up Sprinkle bread crumbs over the top and bake 1-2 hour. Any kind of cold fish will do.
Stewed Frogs.—After skinning the hind legs, parboil them a few minutes, then fry them a light brown in butter, after dipping them in flour. Chop a little thyme, parsley, a little pepper and salt, an onion or garlic sliced fine, mix the whole in a little wine vinegar and water and pour it on the frogs and stew till tender; add the yolk of one beaten egg to each frog and serve them hot. It is equal to or better than chicken, fur I ate them several times without knowing it, believing that it was the best prepared chicken I had ever eaten, while a passenger on an Oriental and Peninsular steamer.
Fried Frogs.—Wash'the hind legs of some frogs, clean as^d dry them. Mix together some salt, pepper and finely-chopped parsley and strew the mixture over the frogs. Let them stand for a few minutes, then turn them in flour, beaten up egg and finely-grated bread crumbs in the same manner as calves' brains, and finish in the same way.
Stewed Eels.—Cut 2 lbs. of eels 4 inches long, put in a stew pan with one large onion, some parsley, a teaspoonful of mace and allspice together, 1-2 pint of port wine and 1-2 pint of gravy; a small portion of bloater paste, 2 spoonfuls of mushroom catsup ; let them stew 3-4 of an hour, strain the gravy, thicken it, add salt and pepper with the juice of 1-2 lemon, boil it 5 minutes, add the eel and 12 buttons of onions, boil till tender. Trout and salmon may be dressed in the same way.
To Fry Eels.—Clean them thoroughly, cut them in pieces, season them with, pepper and salt, beat up an egg and dip the-eels therein, after which strew some crumbs over them, then fl; urand fry them in butler or lard; strain them when done and serve them with plain butter, the juice of a lemon or parsley and butter; garnish with crisped parsley.
Chowder No. 1—(Common sense.)—Take 1 pound of salt pork, cut it into strips and soak in hot water 6 minutes, cover the bottom of the pot with a layer of this; cut 4 lbs. of cod or sea bass into |