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pieces 2 inches square and lay enough of these on the pork to cover it, follow with a layer of chopped onions, a little parsley, summer savory and pepper, either black or cayenne, then a layer of butter crackers, or whole cream crackers which have been soaked in warm water until moist through, but not ready to break. Above this lay a stratum of pork and repeat in the order as above : onions, seasoning (not too much), crackers and pork until your materials are exhausted. Let the topmost layer be butter crackers well soaked. Pour in enough cold water to cover all barely ; cover the pot, stew gently for 1 hour, watching that the water does not sink too low. Should it leave the upper layer exposed replenish cautiously from the boiling tea kettle ; when the chowder is thoroughly done take out with a perforated skimmer and put into a tureen. Thicken the gravy with a tablespoonful of flour and about the same quantity of butter. Boil up and pour over the chowder. Send sliced lemon, pickles and stewed tomatoes to table with it, which the guests may add if they like.
Catfish Chowj>*-:r (common sense.)—Skin, clean and cut off the heads. Cut the fish into pieces 2 inches long and put into a pot with some fat pork cut into shreds ;' a pound to a dozen medium sized fish, 2 chopped onions, or 1-2 dozen shallots, a bunch of sweet herbs and pepper. The pork will salt it sufficiedtly; stew slowly for 3-4 hour, then stir in a cup of milk thickened with a tablespoon-Jul of flour; take up a cupful of the hot liquor and stir a little at a time, into 2 well beaten eggs. Return this to the pot, throw in 1-2 dozen soda or butter crackers split in half, let all boil up once and turn into a tureen. Pass sliced lemon or cucumber ptckles, also sliced, with it. Take out the backbones before serving.
Chowder (Southern.)--Fry in a large pot some pieces of fat pork well seasoned with pepper; when done remove the pork and put in some Slices peeled onions, then some fresh fish, catfish, rock sea bass, codfish, pike or halibut, with a layer of sliced Irish potatoes; add 1 pint of milk thickened with a little flour.
Oyster Cultivation.—Interior salt lakes are favorable to the cultivation of the oyster, and for this purpose the ancients resorted to them. To arrest the drifting ova, hurdles of brush, turf, walls of stone and enclosures of posts were used, as the ova will attach itself to anything by a calculus growth emanating from the shell itself. Tranquil waters are best. The French use sluices covered with a cement stuck in the oyster beds. They thrive better in a semi-tropical climate. The Lynn Haven bay oysters and Ceylon oys- |