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A*leg of mutton boils whitest when quite fresh. Allow time enough for the water to come slowly to a boil; if it is made hastily the meat is thereby hardened. Be careful never to run a fork or anything sharp into the meat, which drains its juice. When it is to be taken up have a very large, strong fork, of which set one prong into the shank bone, and slipping another urfder the end of the joint, take it up, pour a teacupful of the liquor over the meat, garnish with slices of carrot and serve with caper sauce.
Sheep's head may be either plainly boiled and served with parsley and butter or caper sauce, or a little finely minced sage beaten up with brains.
Bacon boiled requires 20 minutes to the pound, but the time varies according to the age of the annual and the manner of salting. Some people like greens, cabbages, etc., boiled with bacon. In that case the pot should be carefully skimmed before they are put in.
Ham is best boiled in copper; it requires plenty of room and slow and regular boiling. If it has been long dried it should be soaked a night in soft water. When done, remove the skin neatly. But experience has taught me that to keep a boiled ham several days for luncheon or other purposes, it is best not to remove the skin, as that serves to prevent it drying and keeps it fresher. Garnish with nasturtium leaves, flowers or pods. No salt is added. If kept, put in a bag of thin muslin in a cool, dry place. Black or white pepper beaten fine should be boiled with it.
Broiling is the most important part of the cook's office. Meat thus prepared, if well done, is the most wholesome and generally the most acceptable to delicate or sickly stomachs. It is also in frequent request in preparing a hasty meal, or for a single individual, and yet it is an art in which few cooks excell. The first thing required is attention to the state of the fire, which should be clear, bright and perfectly free from smoke. The bars of the gridiron or broiler should be perfectly clean and hot before the meat is put on; let the bars be wiped with a piece of clean paper and rubbed with a piece of fresh suet to prevent the meat from sticking or being marked by the bars; then sprinkle a little salt over the fire and lay the meat on.
A broiling fire should be very equal, with the fuel equally lighted in all parts.
All kinds of kidneys are good broiled; they must be skinned, split and all pipe removed. When done, pepper and salt each side. Save the gravy when it rises, put catsup in the dish, and when taken |