The American Pictorial Home Book
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up rub in a piece of fresh butter. Mustard is required with all kinds of steaks. The rule given by an epicure to his cook in general ap­plies particularly to steaks : "No matter how much or how little they are done, provided that all the blood is out and all the gravy on."
Broiled Ox Tail.—Two tails, 1 1-2 pint of stock; salt and cay­enne to taste; bread crumbs, 1 egg. Joint and cut up the tails into convenient sized pieces and put them into a stew pan with the stock, 1 cayenne and salt, and if liked, very little savory, and bunch of sweet herbs. Let them stew gently for 2 1-2 hours, then take them out, drain them and let them cool. Beat an egg upon a plate, dip in each piece of tail and afterwards throw them into a dish of bread crumbs ; broil them over a clear fire until of a brownish color on both sides and serve with a good gravy or any other sauce that may be preferred; about 2 1-2 hours to cook; seasonable at any time.
N. B. These may be more easily prepared by putting the tails in a brisk oven after they have been dipped in egg and bread crumbs, and when brown they are done. They must be boiled the same time as for broiling.
Beef Steak and Oyster Sauce.—Three dozen oysters, 2 pounds of rump steak; season,to taste with pepper and salt. Make the oys­ter sauce by given receipt, and when hot it is ready ; put it by the side of the fire, but do not let it keep boiling. Have the steak cut of equal thickness, broil them in the steak broiler over a very clear fire, turning them often that the gravy may not escape ; in about eight minutes they will be done; put them on a very hot dish, smother with the oyster sauce and send them to the table in a tureen. Serve quickly; cook 8 or 10 minutes, according to the thickness of the steak.
To Broil Steak—(Mrs. H.'s receipt.—The meat should be hung several days before using it, if the weather is cool. Having hung long enough, cut the steaks 1-2 inch thick, 3 inches wide and 5 inches long. Thus divided, it is a good size for managing on the gridiron, and as much as a person would care to have on their plate at once. Should any part be thicker than the rest, roll it with a roll­ing pin or very gently beat it out to the same thickness. The prac­tice of beating steak is very injudicious ; "it breaks the cells which contain the juices." Thus escaping, the meat becomes dry and tasteless—better always to give the meat time to become tender and ripe for the gridiron. Sweep the hearth clean, give the dust a few minutes to settle, prepare a bed of brisk, solid coals, having the grid­iron looking as bright as a mirror, rub the bars well with brown pa­per or grease them slightly with suet or lard, not enough to drip, for this falling on the coals would produce smoke. Place the gridiron