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STEWING.                                            89
Ox Cheek Stew.—Stew it down in a large quantity of water—4 gallons will not be too much. Having done this, remove the cheek and leave liquor to cool, when a large quantity of excel­lent fat will be found to have risen on the top ; remove this, and do cheek and liquor again with any herbs desired, or thickening. Let it boil until the meat is perfectly tender and the liquor has boiled away about one-half. This is one of the cheapest and most nourishing dishes that can be prepared for a poor family.
Stewed Ox Cheek.—One cheek, salt and water, 4 or 5 onions, butter and flour, 6 cloves, 3 turnips, 2 carrots, 1 bay leaf, 1 head of celery, 1 bunch of savory herbs, cayenne, black pepper and salt to taste, 1 oz. of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls flour, 2 tablespoon-fuls mushroom catsup, 2 tablespoonfuls port wine, 2 -tablespoon-fuls tomato sauce. Have the cheek boned, and prepare it the day before it is to be eaten, by cleaning and putting it to soak all night in salt and water. The next day wipe it dry and clean and put it into a stew-pan. Just cover it with water, skim well when it boils and let it gently simmer until the meat is quite tender. Slice and fry 3 onions in a little butter and flour, and put them into the gravy ; add 2 whole onions, each stuck with 3 cloves, 3 turnips quartered, 2 carrots stuck, a bay leaf, 1 head of celery, a bunch of herbs and seasoning to taste, of cayenne, black pepper and salt. Let these stew until perfectly tender; then take out the cheek, divide into pieces fit to help at table, thin and strain the gravy, and thicken 1 1-2 pint of it with butter and flour in the above proportions ; add the vinegar, catsup and port wine; put in the pieces of cheek ; let the whole boil up, and serve quite hot; send it to table in a ragout dish. If the color of the gravy should not be very good, add a tablespoonful of the browning. Cook 4 hours. Seasonable at any time
Stewed Tripe.—Select 2 lbs. of double tripe, cut it in strips of 1-4 lb each, put in a clean stew pan, add a pint each of wa­ter and milk, 2 teaspoonfuls of salt, 1 spoonful of pepper, eight middling sized onions carefully peeled, which put in, set to boil rather fast, then simmer till done, which will be 1-4 hour or more. Turn out into a deep dish or tureen and serve.
Stewed Beef's Tongue.—Salt a tongue with saltpetre and com­mon salt for a week, turning it every day. Boil it till tender enough to peel; when done stew it in a moderately strong gravy; season with sage, mushroom catsup, cayenne, pounded cloves, and salt if necessary. Serve with mushrooms. The roots must be taken off the tongue before salting, but some fat left.
Calf's Head Stew.—Take the pieces of meat from the soup pot, chip them fine, put them into a sauce pan with some of the gravy,