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this way. When spices are not relished with meat, always omit them and use any seasoning preferred.
Veal a la Mode (baked.)—This should be prepared 2 days be­fore cooking. Remove the skin and rancid parts of 1-2 lb. of bacon, cut it in thin strips 2 inches long and 1-4 thick, make incisions all over the meat near each other with a sharp knife, then take 1-4 lb. of kidney suet and x tablespoonful each of thyme, parsley chopped fine, 4 tablespoonfuls of onion shreded fine, a teaspoonful of mace, cloves, allspice, 1 nutmeg pounded and sifted; put in the parsley and onions and mix the whole. Mix an even tablespoonful of salt and season high with black and red pepper mixed. Into each incis­ion put a little seasoning, then roll each slice of bacon into it and press them down into the slits and cover the top of the meat with the seasoning. Lay it in a deep earthen pan large enough to hold it without cramping; cover it close and keep it 2 days after it is pre­pared in this way. When ready for the oven pour a cupful of water in the dish and bake 4 hours if the piece weighs 10 lbs. Baste it well with sweet lard. This is good when cold, and is best in cold weather.
A la Mode Beef—(Miss Page.)—Take a piece of beef 4 or 5 inches thick, and with a small knife make small incisions entirely through it at small distances apart, then take strips of fat salt pork, roll them in pepper and cloves, lay on a pan, cover closely and put over a steamer and steam for 3 hours. When done thicken the gravy in-the pan with a little flour. This is excellent when eaten with cold meat.
Marinade.—Take 1 lb. of raw ham, 1-2 lean, 1-2 fat, cut it in pieces, put these in a stew pan with 4 bay leaves, 1 sprig of thyme, 6 ounces of onion, 6 ounces of carrots, 2 ounces of parsley, two un­picked cloves of garlic, 6 shallots, 6 ounces butter. Fry ihe whole together, then moisten with 2 quarts of water and 2 quarts of pure vinegar; boil for 2 minutes, add 3 ounces of salt and one ounce of pepper.
Marinaded Lamb's Feet with Tomato Sauce.—Cook the feet with some fat bacon fried from the rind and gristle of some veal, chop and pound the veal and bacon together; while pounding add 1 gill of tomato sauce for each lb. of forcemeat of bacon and veal; drain the feet and bones and cut them in two lengthwise ; spread out some pig's caul on a cloth, place on it a layer of the forcemeat the same length as that of the lamb's foot, put 2 slices of trouffle on the force meat and 1-2 a lamb's foot on these; then 2 more slices of truffle and cover the whole with a layer of forcemeat; roll it in the caul to an oval shape ; and when all the feet are stuffed in this way dip them in butter, bread crumbs and broil them over a slow fire for 15 minutes with some nice sauce in a boat.