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DIFFERENT WAYS TO COOK MEAT,                   95
slice the liver and sweet breads and fry them with pieces of bacon; garnish with fried parsley.
Calf's or Lamb's Liver.—Should be cut in long, thin slices soaked in water, wiped thoroughly dry and floured on each side; fry of a fine nut brown ; when nearly done sprinkle a little pepper and salt, some shallots or young onion .finely sliced, a little gravy thick­ened with flour and butter, to which may be added a squeeze of lemon. Serve with stewed or pickled cucumbers and fried parsley.
To Fry Liver.—Cut your liver in nice pieces, put in cold water, and let it boil until it looks nearly done, take it out and drip into hot lard. Season it with pepper and salt as you take it up.
To Bake a Fresh Beef Tongue.—Take just enough water to cover it and parboil for 2 hours; take it up and dip it in the yolk of an egg, then sift over it dusted breadcrumbs, lay it in a baking pan and pour over it a cupful of the broth in which it was boiled ; bake, basting well with butter.
. To Boil a Salt Tongue.—Soak it over night in plenty of water, put it to boil in more water than to cover it; while boiling, if it is too salt change the water; it requires long boiling. Ascertain when it is done by running a small skewer in the skin, carefully remove the rough part of the root and garnish the dish with pars­ley. Slice round. This may be eaten hot at dinner or cold for supper.
Smoked tongue is prepared in the same way. Be sure to boil till tender. Fresh tongue must be first boiled, then dipped in beaten egg, rolled in bread crumbs and baked in a pan. Pour in a cupful of the broth it was boiled in, baste it well with butter; 1-2 hour will be sufficient time for baking. Season the gravy with any good catsup.
To Boil a Calf's Head.—After being well cleaned it is best to keep the skin on; it will require an hour longer in cooking when the skin is retained. The head should be fat. Cut apart the upper and lower jaws, remove the eyes ; they are never used. Take out the bone containing the teeth ; also the nose and ears; cut out the tongue, remove the brains, put the head and tongue to boil in enough warm water to cover them, tie the brains in a cloth, boil all until ten­der; vegetables may be boiled with the head ; if liked, onions, car­rots, parsley and thyme. Serve the head upon 1 dish; upon an­other place the tongue and brains, or make sauce of the brains; take a pint of the broth, put it in a stew pan, add a tablespoonful of parsley chopped fine; salt and cayenne pepper to taste. Let these stew 1-4 hour; add a large tablespoonful of butter into which has been rubbed a dessert spoonful of flour; stew this 5 minutes and serve with the head ; use the remainder of the broth for soup. It is