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the basis or stock of mock turtle soup. Season the brains with sage if the flavor is liked. Garnish with lemon.
Collared Calf's Head.—A calf's head, 4 tablespoonfuls minced parsley, 4 blades of pounded mace, 1-2 teaspoonful of grated nutmeg ; white pepper to taste, a few thick slices of ham ; the yolks of 6 eggs boiled hard. Scald the head for a few minutes, take it out of the water, and with a blunt knife scrape off all the hair, clean it nicely, divide the head and remove the brains; boil till tender enough to take out the bones, which will be about 2 hours. When the head is boned flatten it on the table, sprinkle over it a layer of parsley, then a layer of ham, and then the yolks of the eggs cut into thin rings and put a seasoning of mace, nutmeg and white pepper between each layer; roll the head in a cloth and tie it up as tightly as possible. Boil it for 4 hours, and when it is taken out of the pot place a heavy, weight on the top, the same as for other collars. Let it remain till cold, then remove the cloth and binding, and it will be ready to serve. Altogether 6 hours.
Salt Beef.—If it be required to get a piece of salt beef for immediate use, the moment it comes into the house rub in 1-2 the usual quantity of salt and let it lie for awhile till time to put it into the pot when boiling. When it has boiled an hour take it out, rub in some salt, flour the cloth again and return it in the same manner. Allow it the usual time for boiling. By this method it will be found salt enough. Mustard is always eaten with boiled beef. Those who do not choose anything so plain for their own eating may do a good action by boiling a little for some poor family in the neighborhood. Meat that has necessarily lain in salt may be freshened up by soaking it in one or more waters. In boiling be very careful to remove the scum till no more rises, and even then it may be necessary to throw in a little cold water to refine the liquor. The pot should be kept covered and the meat turned once or twice while boiling.
Tripe—Lyonnaise Fashion.—When any cold tripe remains, cut in thin slices about thfc thickness of an inch square, mince 2 onions, put some butter in a frying pan, add in the onions, fry till they are partly done, add the tripe, let them fry 10 minutes, tossing them, season with salt and pepper, 3 spoonfuls of vinegar to each 1 lb. and serve. Well dry the tripe on a dish before frying. It will take 3 ounces of butter to the lb.
Boiled Tripe.—After the animal is killed, as soon as possible have the stomach emptied, and well washed in cold water; sprinkle lime or ashes over the inside, fold it carefully and lay it in a vessel; cover it with warm water for 6 hours and then scrape off the darl^ part. When this is removed wash it in several waters and place it in another vessel filled with salt and water. The first jar should |