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which must be sliced; mince the herbs, strew them over the meat and season with pepper and salt. Then put in another layer of meat, vegetables and seasoning; proceed in this manner until all the in­gredients are used. Pour in the gravy, vinegar or ale (water may be substituted for the gravy, but it is not so nice.) Cover with a crust of mashed potatoes and bake for 1-2 hour, or rather longer. It is sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.
N. B. It is better to parboil the carrots and turnips before adding them to the meat, and to use some of the liquor in which they are boiled as a substitute for gravy ; that is to say, when there is no gravy at hand. Be particular to cut the onions in very thin slices.
Baked Spiced Beef.—(Mrs. B.'s Receipt.)—Make a brine of 1-2 lb. of salt, the same of sugar, 1-2 ounce of saltpetre, a table-spoonful of allspice, whole grains, measure and bruise them, half as many cloves, a tablespoonful of black pepper ground coarse, 1-2 teaspoonful of cayenne pepper pulverized. Boil these in three coffee cups of water. Take a piece of the round weighing 8 lbs., pour this spiced water over it and turn it once or twice a day for 10 days, then salt it sufficiently and put it to bake in an earthen dish; pour the brine over it, cover with a dough made of coarse flour and water, lay pieces of suet over the meat thick before putting on the sheet of dough. Bake slowly and let the meat become cold in the pan. To be eaten cold with French mustard. This keeps well; fresh beef tongues are good prepared in this way.
Mrs. Randolph's Receipt for Hunter's Baked Beef.—Select a fat round weighing 25 lbs. take 3 ounces of saltpetre, 1 ounce of cloves, 1-2 ounce of allspice, 1 large nutmeg, 1 quart of salt, 1 cup of syrup; rub it well on both sides with the mixture ; first take out the bone.
Potted Cooked Beef.—The remains of cold roast or boiled beet, 1-4 lb. of butter, cayenne to taste; 2 blades of pounded mace; the outside slices of beef may, with a little trouble, be converted into a very nice addition to the breakfast table. Cut off the meat into small pieces and pound it well with a little butter in a mortar; add a seas­oning of mace and cayenne and be very particular that the mace is reduced to the finest powder. When all the ingredients are thor­oughly mixed put it into glass or earthen pots and pour on the top a coating of clarified butter. Seasonable at any time. When an or­ganic substance like the flesh of animals is heated to the boiling point it loses the property of passing into a state of fermentation and decay. After being kept for 2 or 3 days, fresh animal milk, as is well known, coagulates into a gelatinous mass, and if it be heated up to* the boiling point it may be preserved for an indefinite pe-