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butter, etc., and stir continually until melted. Now mix the yolks of
2 eggs with 5 tablespoonfuls of milk; stir this into the other ingredients, keep moving the pan over the fire continually for a minute or two, but do not allow it to boil after the eggs are added. Serve in a hot dish and garnish with croutons or sippets of toasted bread. Cook
3 hours. Seasonable at any time.
To Fry Kidneys.—Chop veal, mutton, beef or hog's kidneys and some of the fat, likewise a little leek or onion (or not), cayenne pepper (a little), and salt. Wet it with an egg or two, roll it up into balls and fry them, or they may be parboiled and simply fried with sweet breads.
Stewed Ox Kidneys.—Cut a kidney or two into thin pieces, soak the slices in water and dry them well; dust them with flour, pepper and salt, put them into the stew pan with a little fresh butter and shake them about over the fire till brown, then pour some hot water, broth or pot liquor into the pan ; a shallot or two chopped fine, some young onions, a little parsley and a spoonful of shallot vinegar, onion or walnut pickle or catsup. Cover the stewpan close and simmer slowly till done.
Lamb to keep in Summer.—In a few hours after the lamb is slaughtered take all four quarters and cook them well; each subsequent day afterwards, as you prepare your dinner, place the remaining quarters back in the stove and thoroughly heat them. Pepper well; add a little salt. In this way they will keep sweet for a week in the hottest weather.
A very nice Dish.—Take the but end of a neck of lamb, cut it into steaks and chop each bone so short as to make the steaks almost round. Egg and strew over with crumbs, herbs and seasoning; fry them of the finest brown, mash some potatoes with a little butter and cream and put them into the middle of the dish raised high. Then place the edge of one steak on another with the small bone upward all around the potatoes.
Hodge Podge.—One pound of under-done cold mutton, 2 lettuces, 1 pint of green peas, 5 or 6 green onions, 2 ounces of butter; pepper and salt to taste ; 1-2 teacupful of water; mince the mutton and cut up the lettuces and onions in slices. Put these into a stew pan with all the ingredients except the peas, let these simmer very gently for 3-4 of an hour, keeping them well stirred. Boil the peas separately; mix these with the mutton and serve very hot; stew 3-4 hour.
A Lamb's Haggis.—Slit up all the little fat strips with scissors and clean them ; clean the kernels also and parboil the whole and cut them into little bits. Clean and shred the web ^,nd kidney fat and mix it with the tripe ; season with salt, pepper and grated nut- |