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gravy with flour and butter, mix the yolks of 2 eggs with a spoonful of thick, new cream, put it into your gravy and shake it over the fire till it is quite hot, but do not let it boil, then strain it and pour it over your turkey. Lay slices of fried bread around and serve it, and garnish with lemon and parsley.
Excellent Turkey Hash.—Chop 2 large or 4 medium-sizea onions, put in a frying-pan with enough beef dripping and butter to fry the onions tender, then add 3 cups of chopped turkey, with salt, black pepper, a little thyme or nutmeg ; add boiling water enough to moisten without making much gravy, dredge in some flour and stir it. Boil and serve it, or turn it over half slices of well-buttered toast.
To Hash a Calf's Head.—Clean and parboil the head, or take what is left of a plainly-boiled cold head, and cut it into small pieces or slugs. Peel and slice the tongue. Take upwards of a quart of liquor in which the head was boiled, with the bones and trimmings, and a shank of veal or mutton, and boil these for the hash stock with sage, thyme, parsley, white pepper, onions and a little grated lemon peel; boil this gravy until it is good and well flavored, then thicken it with flour kneaded in butter and strain it into a saucepan. Season with pounded mace, catsup or lemon pickle, or a little piquant sauce, and warm up the hash without boiling, though boiling does not harden calfs head as it does meat. Garnish with forcemeat balls fried, and fried bread, which form a suitable accompaniment to all hashes. Pickled oysters added make a great improvement.
To Hash Mutton.—Cut thin slices of dressed mutton, fat and lean, and flour them. Have ready an onion boiled in 2 or 3 spoon­fuls of water; add to it a little gravy and the meat seasoned.
To Hash Venison.—Slice the meat and warm it through without boiling, in its own gravy, or in any other that is unseasoned. If there is no fat left from the preceding dinner, that of mutton may be substituted, by setting it over the fire with a little California wine and sugar, and letting it simmer until dry; then put it to the hash, and it will not be distinguishable from the fat of venison. Onions are a decided improvement.
To Hash Cold Fowl of Any Kind, and Also Beef or Mutton. —Cut cold fowls to pieces, and if you have no gravy put in some water or milk or an equal portion of both (the milk must be sweet and new), boil until the bones, if there be any, can be taken up on a dish and removed, while the gravy and meat can be poured with the true gravy in the saucepan; then put in butter, pepper and salt. When it boils, stir up new cream with a little flour and thicken it, and a well beaten egg can be added, and chopped pickled cucum­bers. As soon as thoroughly hot, if approved, squeeze in a little