The American Pictorial Home Book
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Sausages.—A well-known, seasoned minced meat of celebrity requires much care in mingling the seasoning and ingredients in due proportion to produce that desired harmony of materials that may defy the critical to discover what they are composed of.
Fish Sausages.—Remove the bones and mince any kind of fish that has been left, then add equal quantities of bread crumbs and mashed potatoes, with 2 eggs well beaten to bind it; then add some cream to make of the proper consistency, season with pepper and salt, then, with the hands, make into little balls and flatten, and fry in boiling fat.
Spiced Sausage—(French).—Black pepper, 5 lbs.; cloves and nutmeg, 1 1-2 lbs. each; ginger, 2 1-2 lbs.; annise and coriander seeds, 3-4 lb. each. Mix.
Smoked Scotch Sausages—To Keep and Eat Cold.—Salt a piece of beef for 2 days and mince it with suet and season highly with pepper, salt, onion or shallot. Fill the large and perfectly cleaned ox entrail, plait it in links and hang it up to dry. Boil it as wanted, either a single link or all together.
. Bologna Sausages.—To serve these sausages is to slice them in rounds about i-S of an inch thick, remove the skins, boil them for a moment, if preferred, and dish them up with melted butter and pars­ley, or they can simply be cut up and placed in a dish to be eaten.
Royal Sausages.—Chop the flesh of quails and of a pullet, with bacon, a piece of a leg of raw veal, onions or shallots, parsley, mush­rooms, and season with pepper and salt, beaten spice and a clove or two of garlic; then add the yolks of 2 eggs with a little cream ; mix these well together; roll it in thick pieces and wrap them up in very thin slices cut out of fillet of a veal beaten flat, so that the sausages maybe about the thickness of 2 inches and 5 inches in length; then garnish an oval stewpan with slices of bacon and beefsteaks, and put in your sausages, cover them with beefsteaks and lay slices of bacon over the beef; cover the stewpan very close and set it between two gentle fires, the one under and the other over it, or in a moderate stove; let them stew for 8 or 10 hours; then take them from the fire and set them by in the stewpan to cool; then take them out gently, being careful not to break them, and all the fat; then cut the sau­sages into slices with a sharp knife, dish them neatly and serve them up cold.
Pork Sausages.—Chop fat and lean pork together, season to taste with sage, pepper and salt, and you may add 2 or 3 berries of allspice. Half-fill the small entrails of hogs that have been thor-