The American Pictorial Home Book
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5  minutes and drain the onion on a cloth ; put i 1-2 ounce of butter in a 2 quart stew pan, put the onion in, stir over the fire till they are brown, add 1 ounce of flour, 1-2 pint of broth, 1 pinch of salt, 1 small pinch of pepper; stir over a slow fire for 20 minutes, take
6  hard boiled eggs, cut them in thin shces, mix them with the onion ; taste for seasoning. Garnish with nasturtium leaves, flowers and buds.
Hard Boiled Eggs with Sorrel.—Put 6 eggs in boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. This time should not be exceeded, oth­erwise the yolks would become of a bad color. Put the eggs in cold water, take them up and roll them on the table when cold, or remove the shell with the hand, wash them clean and cut each in two lengthwise; put 1 1-2 pint of sorrel prepared for garnish on a dish, lay the pieces of eggs on it and serve.
Eggs.—After boiling, to prevent them cooking more after taking them up, break the small end.
Beef Omelets.—(Mrs. Adams.)—Four pounds of round beef uncooked chopped fine, 6 eggs beaten together, 5 or 6 soda crack­ers rolled fine, a little butter, suet, pepper, salt and sage; make 2 loaves, roll in cracker, bake 1 hour, slice cold.
Omelet, Veal—(Mrs. F. B. B.)—Three lbs. raw veal chopped fine, 3 eggs well beaten, 3 spoonfuls of salt, 1 of pepper, 6 or 7 crackers grated fine; mix well together, make into a loaf put in a stew pan, bake with butter and water and a spoonful of cream.
Kidney Omelet—(A favorite French dish.)—Six eggs, 1 teaspoon-ful of salt, 1 pinch of pepper, 2 sheep's kidneys or 2 tablespoonfuls of minced veal kidney, 5 ounces of butter. Skin the kidneys, cut them into small dice and toss them into a frying pan in 1 ounce of butter over the fire for 2 or 3 minutes; mix the ingredients for the omelet as for plain omelet, and when the eggs are well whisked stir in the pieces of kidney. Make the butter hot in the frying pan, and when it bubbles pour in the omelet and fry it over a gentle fire from 4 to 6 minutes; when the eggs are set fold the edges over, so that the omelet assumes an oval form, and be careful that it is not too much done; to brown the top hold the pan before the fire for a min­ute or two, or use a salamander until the desired color is obtained ; but never turn the omelet in the pan; slip it carefully on to a dish very hot, or what is a much safer method, put a dish on the omelet and turn the pan quickly over. It should be served the instant it comes from the fire; 4 to 5 minutes. Seasonable at any time.
Omelets with Cheese.—For cheese omelets put into your eggs a tablespoonfuls of grated California cheese and proceed as above.