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OMELETS.                                      127
Mrs. F.'s Omelets.—Beat the yolks of 3 eggs, 1 cup of milk, 1
cup of flour, 1 teaspoonful of yeast powder; Beat the whites of the
3 eggs to a froth.
To Make a Fish Omelet.—There are two ways of making these, one is merely to flake some ready cooked fish ; salt cod is very suit­able; season with cayenne pepper, nutmeg and white pepper; mix it with 6 beaten eggs and one dessert spoonful of cream or milk, fry it on one side only, fold it and serve. Salt shad makes a nice ome­let.
Omelet with Shrimps.—Fry an omelet, put the shrimps (which have been cooked and buttered) in it before folding it, turn the ome­let in a dish, pour some sauce around it and serve.
Egg and Oyster Omelet.—Beat up 4 eggs and season to taste, chop up 6 large oysters, make a batter of a half cupful of flour and a cup of milk. Mix and stir the whole well together and fry very slowly.
Oyster Omelet.—Chop 1 1-2 dozen oysters very fine and mix them with 8 well beaten eggs and 3 spoonfuls of flour thoroughly. Fry them as directed for tomato omelet.
Fried Eggs.—Four eggs, 1-4 lb. of lard, butter or clarified drippings. Place a delicately clean frying pan over a gentle fire, put in the fat and allow it to come to the boiling point, break the eggs into cups and slip them into the boiling fat and let them remain until the whites are delicately set; and whilst they are fry­ing ladle a little of the fat over them. Take them up with a knife, drain them for a minute from their greasy moisture, trim them neatly and serve on slices of nice ham or bacon, or the eggs may be placed in the middle of the dish with bacon put around as a garnish. Sufficient for 2 persons. Cook 2 to 3 minutes ; seasona­ble always.
Fried Eggs with Tomato Sauce.—Put 3 tablespoonfuls of oil in a saute pan, tilt it up on the corner of the stove to collect all the oil in one place, and hold the pan over a sharp fire; when the oil is hot break one egg in it; season with a little salt and pepper with 2 onions, gather the white of the egg over the yolk so as to form a ball, turn it over and drain it immediately; fry separately in the same way as many eggs as may be required ; the yolks should not be set. Sprinkle with pepper and salt, put on a dish and serve with 2 gills of tomato sauce, and garnish with the green leaves and the flowers of nasturtium.
Eggs on the Dish.—Spread 1 ounce of butter on a round trim­med iron dish, sprinkle with 1-2 pinch of salt and a small pinch of pepper; break 6 new laid eggs in a dish, sprinkle over another half pinch of salt and 2 small pinches of pepper; put on the stove with