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FOWLS.                                          135
Keep it boiling 1 i-a hours, or rather longer; then take the gravy that has flowed from the oysters and fowl, of which there will be a good quantity, stir in the cream and yolks of eggs ; add a few oys­ters scalded in their liquor; let the sauce get quite hot, but do not allow it to boil; pour some of it over the fowl and the remainder send to the table in a tureen. A blade of pounded mace added to the sauce with the cream and eggs will be found an improvement.
Fowls Boiled with Rice.—Stew the fowl very slowly in some clean mutton broth well skimmed, and season with onion, mace, pepper and salt. About 1-2 hour before it is ready, put in 1-4 lb. of rice well washed and soaked; simmer until done, then strain it from the broth, and put the rice in a sieve before the fire. Keep the fowl hot, lay il in the middle of the dish, and the rice around it, without the broth. The broth will be very nice to eat as such, but the less liquor the fowl is done with, the better. Gravy, or parsley and butter for sauce.
To Broil Fowls.—Pick and truss your fowl the same as for boil­ing; cut it open on the back, wipe the inside clean with a cloth, season with pepper and salt; have a clear fire and set on the grid­iron at a good distance from it; lay the chicken on with the inside toward the fire (you may egg it and strew some grated bread over it) and broil it till it is of a fine brown color; take care the fleshly side is not burned. Lay it on a hot dish, pickled mushrooms or mush­room sauce to be thrown over it, or parsley and butter, or melted butter flavored with mushroom catsup. Garnish with slices of lemon and the liver and gizzard slit and notched, seasoned with pepper and salt and broiled nicely brown, and some slices of lemon.
To Broil Chickens Whole.—Split your chickens down the back, or underside through the breast-bone, season them with pepper and salt, and lay them on the gridiron over a clear fire and at a great distance. Let the inside continue next to the fire until they are nearly half-done; then turn them, taking care that the fleshy sides do not burn, and let them broil until they are of a fine brown. Have ready good gravy sauce with some mushrooms, and garnish them with lemon and the livers broiled, the gizzards cut, slashed and broiled, with pepper and salt.
Small Chickens may be broiled in the same way as well as ducks and young turkeys.
Broiled Chickens.—Split your chickens down the back or stom­ach. If you wish them for breakfast, let them remain over night in salt and water. Then put them in a boiler or gridiron over bright coals, free from smoke; put a cover over them to make them cook faster. Baste frequently with pepper, salt, butter and a little vinegar (if liked). In the meantime boil your giblets in water, chop and