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fly. "When required for use wash it in warm water and dry it well with a cloth; butter a sheet of white paper, put it over the fat, lay a coarse paste about 1-2 inch in thickness over this and then a sheet or two of strong paper. Tie the whole firmly on to the haunch with twine and put the joint down to a strong, close fire, baste the venison immediately to prevent the paper and string from burning; continue this operation without interruption the whole of the time it is cooking—about 20 minutes before it is done carefully remove the paste and paper, dredge the joint with flour and baste well with butter until frothed and of a nice pale brown color; garnish the knuckle bone with a frill of white paper and serve with a strong, good and unflavored gravy in a tureen and currant jelly, or melt the jelly with a little port wine, and serve that also in a tureen. As the principal object in roasting venison is to preserve the fat, the above is the best mode of doing so when expense is not objected to, but in ordinary cases the paste may be dispensed with, and a double paper placed over the roast instead. It will not require so long a cooking without the paste. Do not omit to send very hot plates to the table, as the venison so soon freezes; to be thoroughly injoyed by epicures, it should be eaten on hot water plates. The neck should be roasted in the same manner. To cook with the paste requires from 4 to 5 hours, haunch of doe venison from 3 1-4 to 3 3-4 hours.
To Bake Fresh Venison Ham.—Cut incisions lengthwise on the top if the ham is not very fat, insert narrow strips of ham or pickled pork into these, press them below the surface and between the shank bone and meat, run a sharp, narrow bladed knife and insert the stuffing, tie it around well to prevent the stuffing from falling out. Spread over the surface of the meat a thick coating of butter, make a thin crust of coarse flour and water and lay over it; bake in a pan, pourin a cupful of water; when 1-2 done season with pepper and salt, take off the crust, bake it well and dredge with flour and bake till ot a light brown ; carve as directed and serve with the accompaniments of roasted haunch of venison.
To Boil a Haunch of Venison.—Let it lie in salt, then boil it in a floured cloth, allowing 1-4 hour for every lb. For sauce boil in milk and water and some cauliflowers pulled into sprigs with white cabbage and turnips cut into dice and beet root sliced. First lay a sprig of'cauliflower and some of the turnips mashed with cream and butter; next the cabbage that has been beaten in a sauce pan with a little butter and salt, then cauliflower, and so on until the dish is full. Intermix the beet here and there to variagate the appearance ; serve with melted butter. A neck of venison may be done in the |