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seasoning of oil, pepper, salt, parsley, garlic and mace in the above proportions. Bake them for nearly an hour, and just before serving add the lemon juice and send them to the table very hot. Nearly 1 hour to cook..
Truffles au Natural.—Truffles, buttered paper. Select some fine truffles, cleanse them by washing them in separate waters with a brush until not a particle of sand or grit remains on them, wrap each truffle in a buttered paper and bake in a hot oven or stew pan for 1 hour; take off the paper, wipe the truffles and serve them hot on a napkin; 1 hour.
Squashes.—Gather them when the rind can be entered by the finger nail, then boil them either whole or sliced; if old, they should be peeled; keep them in water until the time for cooking them. If young and tender they will cook in 1-2 to 3-4 of an hour, depending on the size and age. Add salt to the water when boiling. Put them to cook in boiling water, cover the vessel closely. When tender take them up and press them between 2 plates or in a colander to remove the water, then mash them, and if there are any hard pieces take them out, wipe the stew pan dry and return the squash, and season with cream, butter, salt and pepper to taste. They can be parboiled and stewed to a beautiful brown with slices of fat, sweet bacon, pepper and salt and a good spice of onions, or after squeezing them dry dip the slices in thin batter and fry them in fresh lard. Serve as fast as fried; they should not be piled.
Drying Cooked Pumpkins.—After cutting the pumpkin in small pieces, stew till soft, then thoroughly mash and strain them through a colander; place the strained pulp in thin layers in dishes or plates not quite an inch thick, dry in a moderate stove or oven, taking care not to scorch it. It will dry in a day. Then store the sheets away in a dry, cool place, when they are always ready for pies or sauce. When used, soak them in sweet milk over night.
Green Turnips to Cook.—Remove the tops, wash, peel and cut them into little billets, stew in not too much water; when done dress them with cream, butter, pepper, grated nutmeg and saJt to taste. Serve hot; very nice. #
Boiled Turnips.—Turnips; to each 1-2 gallon of water allow 1 heaped tablespoonful oi salt; pare the turnips, and should they be large, divide them into quarters, but unless this is the case let them be cooked whole. After peeling them they should be washed in several waters, and then divide them and put them into a sauce pan of boiling water salted in the above proportion, and let them boil gently till tender. Fry them with pork, and when done take them in a colander or between two plates and let them drain thoroughly |