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and serve. Turnips are usually boiled with mutton or pork, or pork shins, which gives the turnips a better flavor, while the meat is greatly improved in taste by being cooked with them. They are infinitely better mashed than served whole, but some prefer them whole. Old turnips from 3-4 to 1 1-4 hours, young ones 28 or 30 minutes for boiling.
MasHed Turnips.—Tenor 12large turnips; to each 1-2 gallon of water allow 1 heaped tablespoonful of salt, 2 ounces of butter, cayenne or white pepper to taste. Peel, wash and quarter the turnips and put them into boiling water, salted in the above proportion, boil them till tender, then drain them in a colander or between 2 plates. Squeeze them as dry as possible, pressing them with the back of a large plate. When quite free from water put them into a very clean sauce pan, add the butter, white pepper or cayenne, or if necessary a little salt. Keep stirring them over the fire until the butter is well mixed with them and the turnips are thoroughly hot; dish and serve. A little cream or milk added alter the turnips are pressed is an improvement to both the color and flavor of this vegetable, and also pounded allspice or cloves, a very little. From 1-2 to 3-4 hour to boil the turnips, 10 minutes to warm them through.
Fried Turnips. — Peel, wash and slice them, put them in a stew pan with a small portion of water and let simmer rather quickly with a few slices of fat pork, pepper, pounded allspice, a bit of butter and a pinch of salt. When the liquor has become nearly boiled away thicken the gravy with a small portion of cream or milk and flour, and boiling hot pour it over the dish of turnips, which should be eaten hot.
Bacon and Cabbage.—The cabbages in this favorite winter dish in the Southern States should be boiled in two waters with a little red pepper in them, which gives a pleasant flavor to the cabbages, as well as the pot-liquor, which arises from the boiling of the cabbages and bacon together. The liquor should be thoroughly drained from the cabbages ; then take up the meat and lay the cabbages neatly around it. Some garnish it with hard-boiled eggs. You can season, when you eat it, with pepper, vinegar and salt.
To-Stuff Cabbages.—Examine it well after cutting off the green leaves, wash it well and lay it in cold, clear water until ready for use. Take out the heart or center, leaving 2 or 3 rows of leaves. Scald the cabbage well, and when the leaves become soft there will be no danger of their breaking. Chop the heart or bud very fine; then take scraps of meat, fowl, a few bread crumbs, an onion (if approved) chopped fine, season high with pepper, salt and a raw egg beaten ; work all together. Then make one large or several small balls and put into the center of the cabbage; then fold |