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I66                                      VEGETABLES.
the leaves over very carefully, wrap well with threads, tie it up in thin muslin securely and boil until tender, or can be pierced with a straw. Drain it from the water, serve on a hot dish, and pour over melted butter after the strings and cloth are removed.
Cold Slaw.—Shave a hard, white cabbage head to the finest pos­sible threads with a very sharp knife or by machine. To every quart of cabbage take the yolks of 3 eggs, beat them well and mix with 1 1-2 cupfuls of good cider vinegar, a tablespoonlul of olive oil, 1 tablespoonful of loaf sugar, 1 of thick, new cream, a heaped tea-spoonful of white mustard, a piece of butter as large as a walnut, pepper and salt to taste; stir them together and put this into a sauce-pan; when hot, add the cabbage, and stew for 4 or 5 minutes until thoroughly hot. Then raise it up with a wooden, silver or white metal fork. Take it up and set it away until perfectly cold, or on ice. The vinegar should be strong and pure, or more will be required.
Hot Slaw.—When the cabbages are tender, cook 1 hour; add vinegar to taste. Parboil the cabbages for 10 minutes after quarter­ing and washing them carefully and shreding them finely, put them into a stew-pan, and season with pepper and salt to taste; add 1-2 cup of water and an even tablespoonful of butter; cover the pan and stew until tender; stir frequently from the bottom.
Stewed Red Cabbages.—One red cabbage, a small slice of ham,
1  spoonful of fresh butter, t pint of weak stock or broth, 1 gill of cider vinegar, and 1 tablespoonful of pounded sugar. Salt and pepper to taste, and ccok rather more than 1 hour.
Fried Cabbages.—Boil and chop them up, then fry them in but­ter or bacon grease, adding pepper and salt and a little cream or new milk to the gravy. Cold cabbage can be fried over for breakfast in the same way.
Cabbage Stalks.—Scrape them and leave them in water all night, and the next day cook them like vegetable marrow. They will be found delicious. Season with cream or butter and pepper.
Haricot Beans and Minced Onions—One quart of haricot beans, 4 middling-sized onions, 1-4 pint of good brown .gravy, pepper and salt to taste, and a little flour. Peel and mince the onions, but not too finely, and fry them a light brown color in butter; dredge them over with a little flour and add the gravy and a seasoning of pepper and salt. Have ready a pint of minced haricot beans well boiled and drained; put them with the onions and gravy mixed all well together, and serve very hot. Boil the beans for
2  or 2 1-2 hours; 5 minutes to fry the onions.
Dried White Beans.—Wash 1 quart of dried white beans, and put them in a stew-pan with 3 quarts of cold water, a table­spoonful of salt; set on the fire, and when boiling put them to