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take them up whole with a fork, pour off the water, add 2 table-spoonfuls of butter and 1-2 cup of cream, salt and pepper to taste.
To Stew Green Corn.—After the corn has been cut from the cobs with a sharp knife, put it into a stew-pan, then with the back of the knife run over the cob, to obtain the remaining juice, holding it over the pan ; to each quart of corn, add 1-2 cup of water. Stew from 1-2 to 3-4 hour, or until done, governed by the age and kind of corn. When done, season with pepper and salt to taste. Another way: With a sharp knife cut the grains of corn from the cob, into a frying-pan, allowing 1 cup of water to 1 quart of corn. It should be stirred frequently. Cook 1-2 hour. Season to taste with pepper and salt, add a small piece of butter or sweet lard, and fry a light brown color.
To Dress Corn.—When the silks or beards of the corn become of almost a black brown, the grains are perfect and full of milk, and not too hard. Commence by pulling off the silk and then the husks (or shucks), then carefully pick off all the silks that remain, after rubbing the ear of corn (or roasting ear) round in a cloth held in the hand. Then put the corn in boiling water with a little salt in it. If the corn is young, cook 1-2 hour. Cut the corn from the cobs with a sharp knife; put it into a covered deep dish. Season with pepper, salt and butter, or serve the cars hot as they are boiled. Sugar corn is best for table use.
Green Corn Pudding.—Three well beaten eggs, 3 cups of green corn, 1 cup of milk, 2 tablespoonfuls butter, and pepper and salt to taste. Bake.
Grgen Corn Pudding with Tomatoes.—Leave the grains as whole as possible when trimming them down with a knife from the ear, then scrape the cob to get all the milk. Then beat up 4 eggs wiih a quart of milk, 1 quart of the rasped corn, and then add 1 pint of tomatoes that have been stewed with sugar. Season with butter, pepper and salt. Stir it well until thoroughly mixed and smooth. Boil it in a pudding cloth. It is best to rasp the corn on a regular tin corn-grater for puddings, etc.
Baked Corn.—Take 6 large ears of green corn or 12 ears of sugar corn, cut the grains off and scrape the cob; add 1-2 cupful of butter, 1 tablespoonful nice sugar and a teaspoonful of salt. Rub these well together and add 2 cups of new sweet milk. Bake in a dish that you may set on the table without disturbing it
Boiled Peas.—Put 2 quarts of water with 1-4 oz. of salt into a 3-quart stew-pan on the fire ; when it boils pour in a quart of fresh shelled peas, boil quickly, and when done drain and put them in a sauce pan with 3 oz. of butter; sprinkle with a little salt; toss them untill the butter is melted, and serve. |