The American Pictorial Home Book
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N B,—One ox, of green mints may be added to the water in which the peas are boiled
Peas with Bacon—Take 1-4 lb. of streaky bacon, re­move the rind and cut the bacon in p           1 inch            and 1-4 inch thick; blanch for 5 minutes in boiling water, drain and put them in a a-quart stew-pan with 1 01, butter; fry tor 5 minutes, add 1-2 oz flour, and stir for 4 minutes; then add 1 pint of water, i quart of fine peas and a green onion; when boiling cover the pan and simmer tor 1-2 hour. Taste for take out the a and skim the pot
GREen Peas with Bacon—(Managere).—Put 2 pints of well-boiled shelled peas into a stew-pan with 5 spoonfuls of brown sau 1 of brown gravy, a teaspoonful of sugar, 2 button onions and a bunch of parsley ; let it boil 5 minutes ; have readv-braised 4 OL of lean bacon, cut it in very small slices add it to the peas, take out the onions and parsley, season with 1 oz of butter and a large pinch Mix well together and stew 20 minutes, and serve
Stewed PEAS—Take 1 quart of tine peas freshly shelled, put them in a quart stew-pan with 4 oz. of butter, 1 gill of water
en onions, 1 pinch of salt and 1 oa. butter. Some add parsh I do not advise it, as its strong flavor destroys the I - rf the pel Close the stew-pan and boil the peas on a slow fire for $0 minute when done, add 3-4 ox* of flour mixed to a smooth paste with 4 on* butter ; toss the sauce-pan until the butter is melted and the p. properly thickened; taste, and if wanted, add a little salt or sugar, and serve. When preserved peas are used, open the boxes and throw the peas into boiling water, drain and season as you would fresh peas.
Pvusmps.—Clean the parsnips, put them on the fire with soup stock and let them boil till done, then mix some pounded crackers and some chopped parsley with the broth in which the parsnips ha been boiled and let them boil a few minutes longer.
Boilfd Parsnips.—To each 1-2 gallonot water allow 1 hea; teaspoonful of salt. Wash the parsnips, scrape them thor­oughly, and with the point of the knife remove any black about them, and should they be very large cut the thick part into quarters, putthem into a sauce pan of boiling water salted the abo-proportion; boil them rapidly till tender, which may be ascertain by thrusting a fork in them; take them up, drain them and            in
a vegetable dsh. This vegetable is usually served with salt fish, boiled pork or boiled beef; when sent to the table with the latter a few should be placed alternately with carrots around the dish as a garnish. Large parsnips 1 to 1 1-2 hours; small ones 1-2 to 1 hour. This vegetable is found wild all over Europe and England,