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T98 YEAST. |
Flour Yeast.—Mix 1-2 pint of flour with 1 pint of cold water, put it into a sauce pan and make it into a thick paste, stirring it all the time, then pour it into a bowl and stir in 1 cup of hop yeast, dessert spoonful of sugar and 1 of salt, and set it to rise.
Mrs. S.'s Yeast.—Monday a. m. boil 2 ounces of good hops .in a gallon of water for 1-2 hour. Strain it and let the liquor cool down to the warmth of new milk, then put in a handful of salt and 1-2 lb. of sugar, stir 1 lb of family flour with a little of the hop tea and let it stand till Wednesday, boil 3 lbs. of Irish potatoes, mash them fine and stir in. The next day strain it and put it in jugs or bottles, keep in a cool place and it will be good for 2 months. The last is generally the best. Always keep in a warm place. When it is made stir often.
Hop Yeast.—The night before boil a large handful of hops in 2 quarts of water until it is a very strong tea, strain it in a jar with a pint of flour and stir it till very smooth; when cool put in a gill of yeast and set it in a warm place till light, and then stop tightly. Always make fresh yeast before all you have is used, so you can have some to set the new with.
Simple Yeast.—Stir a pint of flour in aquart of luke-warm water, put in a teaspoonful of salt and 1 cup of brown sugar and one of yeast; put it to rise, and when well risen keep it in a cool place.
Dry Yeast Cakes.—(Mrs. Mary Parker.)—Make a strong tea of hops and thicken with flour; when fermented stir in as much corn meal as yon can make into cakes as large and thick as a small cracker and dry in a dish in the shade; when used dissolve 1-3 of i in a half cup of water for 1 quart of flour.
Note—This yeast or leaven will keep for 6 months.
Yeast Cakes.—Take some hop yeast when fresh and thicken it with meal or flour till very stiff, roll then* out and cut in thin, small cakes and dry in the sun, soak them in milk an hour before you want to make bread ; use 1 cake the size of the top of a-common tumbler to 1 quart of flour. Be careful in winter not to let them freeze, but keep them in a paper bag in a dry place.
Yeast for Cakes of Leaven.—Put a large handful of hops in a pot with 3 quarts of boiling water and 3 Irish potatoes, let it boil tolerably strong to 1-2 gallon, strain it boiling hot over 1-2 gallon of sifted flour, stir it well, and when cool add 1-2 pint of yeast or one yeast cake, and put it in a bucket to rise ; when light and porous, before it begins to fall, make it in small, thin cakes with corn meal, put them on a board to dry, put them in a thin bag and hang them in a cool and very dry place. In warm weather use 1 of the cakes to 1 quart of flour for bread, rolls or buckwheat cakes. These can be used, and are less troublesome and more economical, as they will keep for several months. |