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when bread is done, thump it with your fingers. If the sound is hollow, it is done. This applies to all kinds of bread. Wheat bread can be made in the same way.
California Johnny Cake.—Three pints of good corn meal, i pint of molasses, i cupful of butter, i teaspoonful of ground ginger, some boiling water or milk; rub the butter, meal and a little salt together, then gradually add the molasses, ginger and boiling water to make a soft dough. It must be thoroughly worked with an iron spoon. Then grease the board with a little lard or fresh butter; spread a dough thinkly on it and- stand it nearly upright before the fire by placing a flat-iron or stone at the back of it. Do not let the edges bake while the inside is raw. Cut into pieces and send it to the table hot; split and butter them. In baking place the board a little slanting before the hottest part of the fire.
Madame Getz1 Lucas Corn Bread for Dinner.—For 2 loaves, take 5 cupfuls corn meal, 3 cups of flour, sifted together, 5 cups of sweet milk, 2 cups of sour milk, 1 1-2 teaspoonfuls salaratus. Bake two hours.
Corn Hoecake.—Take newly-ground white corn meal, add a little salt and milk and water sufficient to make a thick batter, grease a hoe or griddle and spread the dough on it; when done on one side turn it over.
Hoecake of Corn Meal.—Sift your meal of the quantity desired, then make it up with cold water, a little salt if fancied, knead well, have your hoe or griddle hot, but not too hot, test it with a little meal or grease it, then with a spoon or your hands form a cake, place it on the hoe and bake it. When done on the underside turn it over. Thump to see when done. This is good to eat when hot at dinner' or breakfast, opened and buttered.
Johnny Cake.— Twof>ints sour milk, 4 eggs, 1 tablespoonful of molasses ; stir in enough white corn meal to make a batter. Bake in a pan.
Dixie Corn Bread.—Three pints of new white corn. meal, 1 spoonful of lard, 2 cups of milk; work all well together and bake in cakes the size of the hand 1 inch thick.
Corn Meal Dumplings for Dinner.—When boiling your bacon skim off the grease or "top of the pot," and make up some corn meal into cakes as large and thin as you may desire. You can flatten them or make them into round balls with your hands. The liquor should be used boiling hot and worked with a spoon, and when nearly cold the cakes should be worked with the hands and put into the boiling pot and cooked till done, then put in a dish to themselves, with a small portion of the pot-liquor over them. Many persons are fond of them when served for dinner, or you may eat them with molasses. A good appendage to bacon or salt pork. |