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2o6                            BISCUITS AND ROLLS.
Butter Biscuits.—Melt 8 ounces of butter in 1-2 pint of warm milk and add it to 1-2 gallon flour, work to a smooth, stiff paste, roll out and cut it in any shape, stick the biscuits with a straw or fork, bake in a quick oven on a clean surface, open and butter and eat while hot.
Cream Biscuits.—Rub 1 pound each of fresh butter and flour together, make a hole in the center, into which put 1-2 pound of powdered sugar upon the rind of the lemon that has been rubbed previously to pounding, and Ihen whole eggs; mix the eggs well with the sugar and mix all well together, forming a flexible paste, cut it into round pieces nearly as large as a walnut, stamp them flat with a butter stamp of the size of a silver dollar. Bake in a moderate oven.
Lemon Biscuits.—One-fourth lb. flour, 3-4 lb. loaf sugar, 6 oz. fresh butter, 4 eggs, 1 oz. lemon peel, 2 dessert spoonfuls lemon juice; rub the flour into the butter, stir in the pounded sugar and finely minced lemon peel, and when these ingredients are thor­oughly incorporated add the eggs, which should have been well beaten, and add the lemon juice. Beat the mixture well for a min­ute or two, then drop it from the spoon on a buttered tin about 2 inches apart, as the cakes will spread when they get warm ; place the tin in the oven and bake to a pale brown from ten to twenty minutes.
Almond Biscuits.—Scald, peel and pound them fine in a mortar, sprinkling them from time to time with a little fine sugar, beat them a quarter of an hour with an ounce of flour, the yolks of 3 eggs, 1-4 lb. fine loaf sugar, and afterwards the whites of 4 eggs whipped to a froth. Have ready some paper moulds made like boxes about the length of 2 fingers square, butter them within and put in the bis­cuits, throwing over them equal quantities of flour and powdered sugar, bake them in a moderate oven, and when done of a good color, take them out of the papers. Bitter almond biscuits are made in the same manner, with this difference only, that to every 2 ounces of bitter almonds must be added 1 ounce of sweet al­monds.
Cocoanut Biscuits.—Ten ounces sifted sugar, 3 eggs, 6 ounces grated cocoanut; beat the eggs until they are very light, add the sugar gradually, then stir in the cocoanut; roll a tablespoonful of the paste at a time in your hands in the form of a pyramid, place the pyramids on papers, put the papers on tins and bake the bis­cuits in rather a cool oven until they are of a yellowish brown.