The American Pictorial Home Book
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Sponge Biscuit.—Ten ounces flour, 1 lb sugar, 10 eggs; break and beat the eggs and the sugar with the rind of 1 lemon grated together in a pan near the fire till the mixture gets warm and not hot, then beat it till cold, stir the flour in gently and fill it in square tin moulds or paper cases, sift sugar over and bake in 10 minutes ; lemon may be added.
Milk Biscuits.—Take 1 lb. of flour, 1-4 lb. of butter, 8 table-spoonfuls of yeast and 1-2 pint of new milk ; melt the butter in the milk, put in the yeast and some salt, and work into a stiff paste. When light knead it well, roll it out an inch thick, cut out with a tumbler, prick them with a fork, and bake in a quick oven. If but­ter is not abundant you may take 2 ounces of lard and the rest butter.
Naples Biscuit.—Beat 8 eggs in a large bowl or pan with three spoonfuls of orange flavor; when of a stiff froth, gradually add at the same time 1 lb. of finely powdered loaf sugar, then stop whisk­ing and put in slowly 1 lb. of the best flour; mix it well together, the pans being prepared, fill them. Sift over a little dust of loaf sugar and bake them as soon as possible.
Honey Biscuits.—Mix 1 quart of clear honey with a coffee cup of white sugar and a coffee cup of fresh butter and the juice of 2 oranges or lemons, slightly warm the butter to soften it, stir all the ingredients well together, adding a grated nutmeg, then mix in gra­dually 2 lbs. of flour, more or less ; form a dough just stiff enough to roll out smoothly, beat it well with a rolling-pin, then roll it out into a large cake 1-2 inch thick, cut it into biscuits with a tumbler dipped frequently in flour, lay them on a baking sheet slightly but­tered or floured, and bake them.
Tea Biscuits.—Two quarts of flour, 1 pint of sweet milk, 1 table-spoonful of butter or shortening, the same of white sugar, a little salt if lard is used, 1-3 of a cup of good yeast. Let the milk cool after boiling it, make a hole in the flour and put in the ingredients, stir them a little, mixing in a little flour, let it rise over night; in the morning mix and knead well, let them rise, cutting down two or three times during the day, cut out in cakes, making 2 layers, put them in a pan to rise an hour or so before baking.
French Rolls.—2 pints of good flour, 3 eggs, 6 spoonfuls of yeast, 2 cups of milk and a little salt; cover it up warm and set it to rise for 30 minutes, then make the rolls and put them in a quick oven and let them stay in 1-2 hour; if not light enough add more yeast, if you can do so without making them bitter.
German Rolls.—Take 1-2 gallon of the best flour and as much new milk as will wet the above into dough, mix it with a cup of yeast, 1 tablespoonful of sugar and set sponge; when risen add a spoonful