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of butter melted with 2 eggs, work it together and make it in rolls; let them rise in a warm place; bake in buttered tins in a brisk oven 20 minutes.
Delicious Breakfast Rolls.—Rub into 1 pint of flour a spoon­ful of butter, 1 teaspoonful of sugar, a little salt; mix into a light paste with new warm milk containing 1 tablespoonful of yeast; let the paste stand for 3-4 of an hour or longer till it rises, then make into small rolls either egged over or not, and bake; an egg to each pint of flour is an improvement, in which a part of the white is re­served for egging over.
Irish Potato Rolls.—Boil 3 lbs. of Irish potatoes, mash and work them while warm with as much milk as will make them pass through a colander; take 1-2 or 3-4 pint of yeast and 1-2 pint of warm water, mix with the potatoes, then pour the whole upon 5 lbs. of flour; add a little salt; knead it well, and if not of proper con­sistency put in a little more milk and warm water; let it stand before the fire an hour to rise, work it well and make into rolls. Bake one-half hour in a moderate oven. They eat well toasted and buttered.
Sally Lunn Rolls.—Two lbs. of fine flour, 2 small spoonfuls of yeast, with a little warm water; set to rise 1-2 hour, put a spoonful of butter, the yolk of an egg in as much new milk as will make it of proper stiffness, mix all well up and put into cups ; when risen bake in rather a quick oven.
Rolls—(Mrs. E. A. Watson )—One quart of milk, 1 good table-spoonful of butter, 1 cupful of homemade yeast; warm the milk slightly and put the butter in it, stir in 2 quarts of flour, a little salt, and beat to a batter, and then set it; when it rises stir in more flour till it is of the proper consistency.
Spanish Doughnuts.—Take 6 or 8 milk rolls, remove the crust, cut them into small slices as thick as your finger, put them in a dish and pour over them some strong wine (red), which has first been well mixed with 6 ounces of sugar, a tablespoonful of ground cinna­mon, 1-2 that quantity of cloves, and 1-4 of a nutmeg, ground or beaten. Let the slices soak in the wine a little, but not so long as to pull to pieces. Before dishing they are to be dipped in butter and fried in hot lard and strewed with sugar and glazed with a hot shovel, that is, hold a shovel over the slices till the sugar which is on them melts.
Sweet Milk Doughnuts—(Mrs. Kendall, San Francisco, Cal.— One egg, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of sweet milk, 2 teaspoonfuls of cream of tarter, 1 teaspoonful of soda, a little salt; mix well and fry in hot lard.
Plum Buns.—Mix with the dough of buns blanched al-