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212                               BISCUITS AND ROLLS.
slices ; dip them into the milk and eggs, and lay the slices into a hot spider with sufficient melted butter to fry a nice delicate brown ; take the whites of the 6 eggs and beat them to a froth, adding a large cup of white sugar, add the juice of 2 lemons, beating well and add 2 cups of boiling water; serve over the bread as a sauce and you wili find it a very delicious dish.
Indian Toast.—Place 4 quarts of milk over the fire; when it boils, add a spoonful of flour to thicken, a teaspoonful of salt, a lump of butter, 2 tablespoofifuls of sugar; have ready in a deep dish, 6 or 8 slices of light Indian bread toasted, pour the mixture over them and serve hot.
English Muffins.—Put 1-2 gallon of flour into a tray, mix 1 1-2 pint of new warm milk and water with 1-4 pint of mild ale yeast and a little salt, stir these together for 15 minutes, strain the liqirtd into the flour, mix the dough as light as possible and set it to rise for an hour. Make it up with the hands, pull it to pieces each the size of a walnut, roll them up like balls and lay a flannel over them as fast as they are done and keep the dough covered the whole time. When the dough is quite rolled into balls the first that are done will be quite ready for baking, and may be spread out into the form of muffins. Lay them on the heated plate, and as the bottoms change color turn them on the other side. Care must be taken not to burn them. Another and a better sort is made by mixing 1 lb. of flour with an egg, an ounce of butter melted in a pint of milk and 2 tablespoonfuls of yeast beaten well together. Raise for 2 or 3 hours; bake in rings.
Bhead Muffins.—Cut off the crust of five thick slices of loaf or baker's bread, lay them in a deep'dish and pour boiling water over them —just enough to saturate them ; cover the dish, and after the bread has soaked an hour drain off the water. Work with a spoon until it is a smooth paste, then mix in 2 1-2 tablespoonfuls of flour and 2 cups of milk ; beat 3 eggs and stir them slow into the bread mass; grease or butter your muffin rings, set them on a hot stove pan and pour into each ring a portion of the batter; bake brown, break them open with the fingers to butter and eat them hot; a nice muffin.
Corn Meal Muffins.—To 3 pints of corn meal (if can be had bolted), 1 cup of lard, 3 eggs, 1-2 teaspoonful soda, a little salt. Beat stiff batter with buttermilk and bake in muffin rings with quick fire.
Wafers.—Put 7 ounces of sifted flour in a paste board, add 5 ozs. of pounded sugar, 3 ozs, of butter, the grated peel of an orange; mix the whole with an egg and woik it to a smooth, stiff paste; divide the paste into pieces of the size of a walnut and give them an olive