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the lime of setting it will be within an inch of the top of your bowl. It is then light enough and will make up eight quarts of flour. Make a sponge in the center of your flour with i quart of water of the same temperature as the rising. Stir the rising into it, cover over with a little dry flour and put it where it will keep warm, but not scald ; in 3-4 of an hour mix this intp stiff dough, and if water is used, be sure that it is very warm, and do not work as much as yeast bread. Make-the loaves a Ifttle larger and keep them warm for another 3-4 of an hour. It will then be ready to bake. While rising this last time leave your oven heating; it needs a hotter ovon than yeast bread. If these rules are followed you will-have bread as white as snow, with a light brown crust, deliciously sweet and tender.
Risen Corn Bread.—Make up the required quantity of corn meal in the morning or overnight with warm water and a little salt; cover and set it away in not too cool a place, or before the fire if . • very cold. Then at night or in the morning, when the dough has risen sufficiently, add some more meal, and work it again well. Then meal the bottom of the oven, divide into loaves or have but one, then put in the dough and set it to rise again. Bake slowly and thoroughly, test it by putting a straw through the middle of it. If the straw be moist it is not done. It can be eaten in slices with butter, either cold or hot. It will keep well for some days.
Salt Rising Bread No. 2.—Pour into a right-sized bowl a pint of new sweet milk and into this a pint of boiling water. Stir in till smooth enough flour to make a thick batter, keep at the same temperature for six hours, when it will rise and should be used at once. Sift into a bowl 3 quarts of flour, pour in the yeast, add warm water or milk to wet up all the flour. Salt to taste, knead lightly, put into pans, let it rise and then bake. N. B In making this bread, great care is needed at every stage. The yeast should be used just when it passes from the saccharine to the various fermentations and before it gets the least sour. Precisely at that moment the raised dough should be put into the oven. The dough should be as soft when put into the pans as can be conveniently handled.
Note.—Some kinds of flour will not make good salt rising bread. The vessel into which the yeast is strained must be scalded out and be perfectly sweet, or the yeast will sour before it rises. Nothing stale should be used. There is no sweeter or more wholesome bread than this when skillfully made.
Favorite Scotch Bread.—One pound each of flour or bread crumbs, sugar, butter, 8 or 10 eggs, 1-2 pound of citron, candied lemon and orange peeling in equal proportions, 4 spoonfuls of French brandy, a teaspoonful of salt, 4 ounces of preserved fruit, stewed or raw, chopped fine (dark colored fruits should not be used). Put |