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to make a batter, add soda and salt and bake on a griddle or in gem pans. 5. Crumb fine and put in the next omelet you make. 6. Toast your bread ; set a pan of milk on the stove, but do not remove the cream from it, add butter and salt, dip the bread in this and send to the table for supper or breakfast. 7. Crumb fine and put in your tomatoes when you are stewing them. 8. Pound fine, season and roll oyster or fish in them and try in nice lard.
How to Save Stale Bread.—Stale bread may be made as nicely as if freshly-baked by dipping the loaf into clean cold water and warming thoroughly in a bakeoven. Much bread might be saved in this way.
Stale Bread can be renewed by putting it for 20 minutes in a hot stove or oven—not too hot. It is best to put a damp cloth over it, or moisten the bread with cold water and let it remain in the stove or oven until the water is evaporated.
To Freshen Stale Bread.—Dip the loaf wrapped in a clean cloth into boiling water for 1-2 a minute, then take off the cloth and bake the loaf for 10 or 15 minutes in a slow oven.
Bread Crumbs.—Take a piece of the crust of a stale loaf, not too hard, put it in a cloth, bruise it well with your hand till it falls in crumbs, pass it through either a wire sieve or colander and use when required.
To keep cold bread or cakes from becoming stale, keep them in k common terre cotta or pottery jar, with a close cover of the same over the top. The jar should be perfectly dry. This should be seen to.
Virginia Granger Potato Bread.—Boil the potatoes not quite so soft as common, then dry them a short time on the fire, peel them while hot and pound them as fine as possible; next put small quantity of pearl ash to new yeast; while it is working briskly add as much rye meal or flour as can be worked in ; mix the whole well together, but do not add any water to it (but some butter or sweet lard if desired). After the dough is thus prepared let it stand an hour and a half or two hours before it is put in the oven. Observe it will not require so long baking as regular wheat bread.
Sweet Potato Bread.—Take the same dough of which you make your family bread, leaving out one-fourth of the flour, putting in the same quantity of Irish potatoes mashed very fine while hot, or more; if sweet potatoes, in the same way. Work thoroughly till the potatoes are thoroughly incorporated, not forgetting a little lard or butter and salt. N. B. When swe^t potatoes are boiled add a |