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POTATO BREAD.                                 22$
piece of clean paper to prevent the dough from sticking to them. All bread should be turned up side down, or on its side, as soon as it is drawn from the oven. If this be neglected the under part of the loaves will become wet and blistered from the steam, which can­not then escape from them To make the dough without setting the sponge, merely mix the yeast with the greater part of the warm milk and water, and wet up the whole with flour at once after a little salt has been stirred in, proceeding exactly in every other respect as in the directions just given. As the dough will soften in the rising, it should be made quite firm at first, or it will be too lithe by the time it is ready for the oven. Time to be left to rise, i hour the first time; 3-4 of an hour the second time; to be baked from 1 to 1 1-4 hours, or baked in one loaf from t 1-2 to a hours.
Oat Meal Cakes (Scotch) for Breakfast.—Put some oatmeal in a bowl or basin, take a pitcherful of boiling water, with a tea-spoonful of salt butter or melted lard in it, to make the cakes crisp; pour this boiling hot over the meal, stirring as quickly as possi­ble into a dough, and then turning it out upon a baking board, upon which it is to be rolled till it is as thin as it will hold to­gether, when it is to be stamped into the form of small, round cakes. These are first to be placed on a griddle to make them firm, and afterwards toasted before the fire alternately on each side, till they are quite dry and crisp.
Buckwheat Cakes.—One quart of buckwheat flour, one half cup yeast, one tablespoonful of salt, one and one-half basin water; beat well with a large spoon; let them rise over night; in the morning add a teaspoonful of salaratus and fry.
Buckwheat Cakes No. 2.—Three pints of buckwheat flour sifted, a little salt, 1-2 pint of cornmeal, 1-2 teacup of brewer's yeast or 4 large tablespoonfuls home-made yeast, and enough milk-warm water to make a batter. Mix all together, then make a hole in the middle of the meal and pour in the yeast. Then slowly add sufficient milk and warm water to make a thick batter after the yeast is added. Cover the vessel and let it rise for 3 hours. If it is cov­ered with bubbles and risen enough it is ready to bake. Have your griddle clean and hot. Tie a piece of batter in a clean white rag and grease the griddle well; have a saucer near to put it in when not in use. Pour out a large ladleful on the griddle to bake ; when brown turn with the cake turner, and bake brown on the other side. Scrape the griddle smooth with a knife,Vipe, and grease it between