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DUMPLINGS.                                       23I
If you doubt whether done enough, stick a straw or clean knife or into one, and if it come out clean it is done. The way to eat them is to tear them apart at the top with two forks, for they become heavy by their own steam. Eat immediately with meat or sugar and but­ter or salt.
h Charleston Dumplings.—Make a good, thick batter, as for pan­cakes, drop it into a sauce-pan of boiling water. When the dump­lings are done, which will be in 2 or 3 minutes, throw them into a sieve to drain, and then turn them into a dish. Eat with sugar and butter and grated lemon peel.
Snow Dumplings.—Pare and core several apples ; wash a pint of rice and roll the apples in it, so that the rice will adhere; have ready a nice piece of pie crust, wrap the apples in a piece of the dough and roll the dumplings in rice again, and so on until you use up all the apples. Put a napkin in the steamer, place it over a pot of boil­ing water, put in the dumplings and steam till done. Eat with cream sauce.—Mrs. Genett.
Cherry Dumplings.—Strew cherries on pie-paste rolled thin. The seeds may or may not be removed, then rolled up and boiled as for boiled lemon dumplings ; 1-2 pound grated bread, 1-4 each chop­ped suet and moist sugar, 2 eggs, 1 large lemon. Mix the bread, suet and moist sugar well together, adding the lemon peeling, which should be finely minced. Moisten with the eggs and strained lemon juice ; stir it well and put the mixture into small buttered cups. Tie them down and boil for 3-4 of an hour. Turn them out on a dish, strew sifted sugar over them and serve with wine sauce. Boil 3-4 of an hour. Sufficient for 6 dumplings. Seasonable at any time.
Corn Meal Dumplings.—Make a thick dough of 1 pint of meal and scalding water, 1 spoonful of lard, a large pinch each of salt and soda. Put in a bag and boil 1 hour. Serve hot for dinner with gravy or meat.
Green Corn Dumplings.—A quart of grated green corn or roast­ing ears, 1-2 pint of new milk or cream, 1 cup of flour, 2 cups of butter, 2 eggs, a pinch each of salt and pepper, and butter for frying. Mix the corn with the flour and add the salt and pepper. The corn should be grated very fine. Warm the milk and soften the butter in it, then add them gradually to the. pan of corn, stirring it very hard and set it away to cool. Beat the eggs till light, and stir them into the mixture when it has cooled. Flour your hands and roll it into little dumplings. Put into a frying-pan a sufficiency of lard or but­ter, or an equal proportion of both, and when it is boiling hot and has been skimmed, drop the dumplings carefully in and fry them 10 or 12 minutes in proportion to their thickness.
SUET Dumplings.—Chop very fine 1 pound of beef suet; mix