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sistency of pudding; add fine spices, salt, pepper and nutmeg; mix all well together, and fill the skins and tie and put them in a white paper case before they are put upon the grill
English Beefsteak Pudding.—From a Temple Bar Cook.— (Olive Logan.) Make a crust of 1-2 pound suet chopped fine, 1 lb. of flour, 1-2 spoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of baking powder mixed together and sufficient cold water added to make a stiff paste. 2d, cut 1-2 of the paste for the cover of the pudding basin in which the pudding is to be boiled; roll the rest of the paste to the size required to line the pudding basin; grease the basin with butter and lay the paste in neatly. 3d, take 2 pounds of beef cut in slices; dip each slice in flour as you lay it in the basin, along with 2 kindings also sliced; a little chopped parsley, a bit of good butter the size of an egg, a few drops of Worcester sauce, a teacupful of water, 1-2 spoonful each of salt and pepper, 4th, Roll out the paste cover to the size of the top of the basin, then lay the cover on and press the edges together; dip your nice clean pudding cloth in boiling water, flour it, tie it over the top of the basin. 5th, place the basin in a saucepan of boiling water and keep boiling 4 hours. For serving take off the cloth, turn the basin over a nice warm plate and remove the basin. This leaves your pudding the round pudding shape on top, though the bottom is flat. When you stick your spoon in the gravy it will run out luscious and healthy, and the meat within be as tender as a young chicken. I should perhaps mention that the pudding basin referred to is a bowl of crockery holding a quart with a thick rim around the top, which makes it easy to tie the cloth on with a string. Enough for four persons. '
Baked Beefsteak Pudding.—Make a batter of milk, 2 eggs and flour, or which is better, potatoes boiled and mashed through a col-lender, lay a little batter on the bottom of the dish, then put in the steaks prepared as above and very well seasoned; pour the remainder of the batter over them and bake it.
Boiled Steak or Kidney Pudding.—If made of kidney split and soak it and season that or the meat. Make a paste of suet, flour or cotton seed oil and milk, roll it, and line a basin with some; put the kidneys or steaks in, cover it with paste, and pinch round the edge. Cover with a cloth and boil a considerable time. It should be well seasoned with pepper, salt; butter, cream, fillets of fat pork or bacon or sweet lard.
Suet Pudding (English.)—Two pounds of flour or bread crumbs, 1 pound of chopped beef suet, 1 or 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, 1 gill of milk or water, and 1 cup of sugar or honey if wished. This preparation of ingredients will do for a large family, and can be proportioned to suit the number of persons to be served. Stir up the flour |