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and minced suet together, then whisk the eggs and add them with a little salt to the minced suet and flour, then the water or milk, and make a paste with a strong wooden spoon; then dust your pudding bag or cloth with flour; lay your paste into it and sew or tie the cloth tight, and lay it into boiling water; when done, after boiling 11-4 hour, plunge the bag into cold water a moment, then serve very hot by turning it out on a hot dish. If desired, eat with any kind of sweet sauce.
Oat Meal and Suet Pudding.—Chop fine 1-2 pound of suet, add 2 pounds of oat meal, an onion or 2 sliced, season with pepper and salt, and fill the skins or entrails as before. The oat meal should be dried well before using.
Fruit and Suet Pudding.—Mince an equal quantity of beef suet and apples, grate some stale bread, pick and wash some dried currents, 1 pound raw sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon, and grate a piece of lemon peel. All to taste. Mix them well and fill the entrails; boil i-halfhour and take them out to drain and then hang them up to dry. When wanted for use, put them first into boiling water, and then on a gridiron.
Ve\l Suet Pudding.—Cut the crumb of a 5 cent loaf into slices; boil and sweeten 1-2 gallon of new milk and pour over it. When soaked pour out a little of the milk and mix with 6 eggs well beaten and 1-2 nutmeg. Lay the slices of bread into a dish, with layers of currants and veal suet chopped fine, 1 pound each. Batter the dish well and bake; or if you prefer it, you may boil it in a basin.
Suet Pudding.—Chop very fine 1 pound of suet, mix with 1-4 pound of flour, 2 eggs beaten separately, a little salt and as little milk as will make it. Boil 4 hours. It eats well next day cut in slices and broiled on a pan or broiler. The outward fat of loins or necks of mutton finely chopped, makes a more delicious pudding than the suet.
An Unrivalled Plum Pudding.—One-half pound of superior raisins, 1-4 pound of currants, 1 pound of Sultana raisins, 2 pounds of the finest moist sugar, 2 pounds of bread crumbs, 16 eggs, two pounds of finely chipped suet, 6 ounces of mixed candied peel, the rind of two lemons, 1 ounce of ground nutmeg, 1 ounce of ground cinnamon, 1-2 oz. of pounded bitter almonds, 1-4 pint of brandy. Stone and cut up the raisins, but do not chop them; wash, pick and dry the currants, and cut the candied peel into thin slices ; mix all the dry ingredients well together and moisten wlith the eggs, which should be well beaten and strained to the pudding; stir in the bran- |