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SWEET PUDDINGS.                                 243
it and serve. For a very plain pudding, use only 1-2 the quantity of fruit; omit the eggs and substitute milk or water for them. The above ingredients make a large family pudding ; for a small one, one-half the quantity will be found ample ; but it must be baked quite 1 1-2 hours; large pudding, bake 2 1-2 to 2 3-4 hours; one-half the size, 1 1-2 hours. Sufficient for 9 to 10 persons. Season­able in winter.
Simple Sauce for English Plum Pudding—(Mrs. Jeanson).— Equal quantities of sugar and butter beaten to a foam ; mix together a cupful of hot water and 2 spoonfuls of brandy. Put the sugar and butter mixed in a bqat or bowl, then pour into it the brandy and water and stir it vigorously only once. It foams and looks like snow. Pour brandy over and dredge sugar over the pudding when about to serve at table ; then set it on fire with a match. It is perfectly de­licious. It is what it ought to be, a snow sauce.
Plum Pudding—(Mrs. Cordova, West Indies).—Twelve eggs well beaten, 1 lb. white sugar, 1 lb. flour, 1 lb. butter, 1 lb. raisins; the sugar and butter must be well stirred together, and after the eggs are beaten, then put them in and stir again, using some flavoring ; boil or bake. Note.—Currants may be used in the same way, in­stead of the raisins or plums.
Plum Pudding—(Mrs. E. J. Jackson, Richmond, Va.).—Take 1 quart of leavened dough from yeast bread in the morning. Set it aside until it is nearly time to put it on for dinner, then add a large teaspoonful of brown sugar, 1 lb. of stoned raisins and two or three handfuls of well-washed, picked and dried currants, or the currants may be omitted. Bake. Dried whortleberries are very nice to add if fancied.
A Granger's currant or dried currant pudding can be made in the same way as the above. When done, all boiled puddings should be dipped into cold water for a moment and allowed to stand a min­ute; take up and turn out on a dish. Eat with wine or brandy sauce.
Pound Plum Pudding.—One lb. suet, i of currants, 1 of stoned raisins, 8 eggs, 1-2 grated nutmeg, 2 oz. sliced lemon peel, 1 tea-spoonful of ground ginger, 1-2 lb. of bread crumbs to 1-2 lb. of flour, 1-2 pint milk. Chop the suet finely; mix it with the dry ingredi­ents ; stir these well together and add the well-beaten eggs and milk to moisten with; beat up the mixture well, and should the above proportion of milk not be found sufficient to make it of the proper consistency, a little more should be added. Press the pudding into a mould, tie it in a flannel cloth and boil for 5 hours, or rather longer, and serve with brandy sauce. Sufficient for 7 or 8 persons. Seas­onable in winter. It may be baked for 2 hours intead of boiled.