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slices of buttered bread; then stir into i pint of boiling milk 2 well whisked eggs; then pour the milk on the buttered bread. Set in a hot oven and bake 30 minutes.
Flour Pudding.—May be flavored with orange, lemon, vanilla or with sweet almonds.
N. B. All these and similar of flour pudding may be heated and finished like the above, only add before you mix in the froth either 2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla or orange sugar, 2 ounces of nicely picked and washed currants or 1 ounce of bitter almonds.
Bread and Butter Pudding.—Slice bread with butter and lay it in a dish with currants between each layer; add sliced citron, orange or lemon, if it be very nice; pour over it an unboiled custard of milk, 3 or 4 eggs, a few pimintoes and a very little ratafia, two hours at least before it is to be baked and pour it over the bread. A paste around the edges makes all puddings look better, but it is not necessary.
A Rich Bread Pudding.—Simmer 4 pints of cream with salt, sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and mace. When it boils, slice in the crusts of 4 French rolls or the whole of 2. When the rolls have soaked up the cream press through a colander, add 12 eggs, leaving out 4 whites ; sweeten with loaf sugar, mix well together, put it in a buttered basin and tie a cloth over securely and boil 1 hour.
Home Bread Pudding.—Pour 1-2 pint of,scalding milk over 1-2 pint of bread crumbs, cover for 1 hour. Beat up 4 eggs, and when strained add to the bread ateaspoonful of flour, 1 spoonful of butter, 2 of sugar, 1-2 lb. currants, washed and picked; 1 oz. beaten almonds, with orange flower water, 1-2 oz. of an orange, lemon and citron. Butter a basin that will hold it, flour a cloth and tie tightly over it and boil them. Prunes, or plums, or cherries, make a fine pudding instead of raisins, either with suet or as bread pudding.
Brown Bread Pudding.—One-half lb. each of stale brown bread, grated, currants, shred suet and sugar; nutmeg; mix with 4 eggs, 1 spoonful brandy, 2 of cream ; boil in a cloth or basin that exactly holds it 3 or 4 hours.
Bread Pudding—(Mrs. Myers)—.Three oz. grated bread ; pounded almonds, beaten, 1 oz.; fine white sugar, 3 oz.; citron, 1 outside, grated; spices to taste. Mix well together and beat with the whites of eggs and stir all together. Boil or bake in a buttered form 1 hour. Use any kind of wine sauce.
Muffin Pudding, No. i.—Cut 3 muffins in two; pour 1 1-2 pint boiling milk over them ; let them stand to cool; make a custard of 8 yolks and 4 whole eggs; beat them up with 1 pint of cream and 1 glass of brandy, 1 nutmeg, 1-4 lb. of sugar, 1 lemon peel, grated; butter a mould and place some dried cherries in it accord- |
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