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266                               SWBKT PUDDINGS.
Amherst Pudding.—Two cups flour, 3-4 cup of molasses, 1 cup of milk (cream preferable), 1 cup of chopped raisins; 1 cup of chop­ped suet, i teaspoon of soda; spice to the taste. Steam three hours.
Spoonful Pudding.—A spoonful of milk, a little nutmeg, gin­ger and salt; a spoonful of flour, an egg, mixed well together and boil it in a pudding dish; for one person.
Melon-Shaped Pudding.—Mix 1 pound each of suet and flour, 3-4 pound currants or raisins, 6 eggs, a little good milk, sweet and new, a little salt, some lemon peel. Bake in a melon-shape 6 hours.
Pudding (Turkish.)—Moisten and press twelve ounces of figs through a sieve, add 6 ounces each of chopped suet, sugar and bread crumbs; 2 eggs beaten and a cup of peel; mix well and put into a mould and boil for 4 hours. Serve with brandy sauce.
Pudding for Children.—Sugar and eggs; brown before the fire or dropped as fritters into a frying pan without fat; will make them a nourishing meal.
A Quick-Made Pudding.—One half pound each of flour and suet, 4 eggs, a cup of new milk, a little mace and nutmeg, 1-4 lb. of raisins and 1-4 pound of currants. Mix well and boil 45 min­utes with the cover on the pot, or it will require longer.
Pudding in Haste.—Mix shread suet with grated bread crumbs, a handful of currants cleaned or a few stoned raisins, the beat yolks of 3 gggs and the white of 1 with a little grated lemon peel to a stif-fish paste; roll this in flour, and with two spoons make it into small balls; have ready a pan of fast boiling water, drop them in. When done they will rise to the top.
Indian Hasty Pudding.—Place on the fire 3 quarts of boiling water with a little salt, stir in by degrees 3 quarts of Indian meal and 1-4 pound of butter. It should be stirred until quite thick. Serve it hot and eat it with milk or cream, and sugar.
Shaker's Pudding.—Boil some large mace, sliced ginger and nutmeg; laurel leaves in a quart of sweet cream, then add almonds beaten in rose water 4 ounces, whites of 8 eggs; strain all these to­gether, mingle with a sufficient quantity of grated bread, sweeten to taste with loaf sugar or honey, add a pinch of salt, tie it very light in a pudding cloth well floured or buttered, put it into fast boiling water and boil it 1 hour, or it may be baked. Serve with wine sauce or melted butter, sugar and lemon juice or with honey melted with butter and flavored with nutmeg.
Shaking Pudding.—Scald a quart of cream, when almost cold put to it 4 eggs well beaten, a spoonful and a half of flour, some nutmeg and sugar, tie it close in a buttered cloth, boil it 1 hour