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cup butter, 2 cups white sugar, 2 1-2 heaping cups of flour, 1 tea-spoonful soda and 2 of cream of tartar, or 3 spoonfuls baking powder. This, if baked in common jelly cake tins, will make 6 layers. Flour between the layers. For icing this cake, take the whites of 4 eggs, beat to a stiff froth; for every egg use 7 even tablespoonfuls of pulverized or crushed sugar, stirring just enough to mix; spread it on the layers and sprinkle prepared or grated cocoanut over it. Ice the tops and sides.
Almond Cake.—Take 10 oz. bitter almonds and 6 oz. sweet almonds, scald in boiling water for 3 minutes, cool, peel and wash them, drain and wipe them dry in a cloth. Put them in a mortar and pound them to a paste with an egg added in small quantities to prevent the almonds from turning oily; when well pounded, add 6 oz. pounded sugar, 6 oz. butter, x small pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon-ful orange flower water. Pound all well together, adding 3 eggs broken, one after the other; when well mixed, put the pounded almonds in a basin. Put 1 lb. of sifted flour on the paste-board, make a puff paste, as for puff-paste cake and give the paste five turns ; cut it into two pieces, make a ball of each piece, roll each flat with arollingpin to the thickness of 1-2 an inch, and put one on a baking sheet. Spread the almond paste on it, leaving a margin of one inch and a half all round; wet the edge of the paste and lay the other over it and press with the thumb ail around, to stick the two together ; trim off the superfluous paste; egg the top and cut the pattern with a knife as for short paste cake. Bake for 50 minutes, let the cake cool, then sprinkle some sifted sugar on it, and serve.
Lemon Cake.—Ten eggs, 3 tablespoonfuls of orange flower water, 3-4 pound of pounded loaf sugar, 1 lemon, 3-4 lb. of flour; separate the whites and yolks of the eggs, beat the whites to a stiff froth, add the orange flower water, the sugar, grated lemon rind, and mix these ingredients well together. Then beat the yolks of the eggs and add them with the lemon juice to the whites, &c.; dredge in the flour gradually, keep beating the mixture well, put it into a buttered mould and bake the cake about an hour, or rather longer. The addition of a little after beaten to a cream would improve the cake, which is never out of season.
Plum Cake.—Take 1 gallon flour, 1-2 pint of rose water, 1 pint of cream, 1 pint of ale yeast; boil it, then 6 yolks of eggs, 1 1-2 pound of butter, 1 pound of sugar, 4 pounds of currants, 1 nutmeg and a little salt; work it very well and let it stand an hour by the fire, then work it again, and make it up and let it stand an hour and a half in the oven. Take care that the oven be not too hot.
Apple Cake.—Ten or 12 apples, sugar to taste, the rind of 1 small lemon, 3 eggs, 1-4 pint of cream, 1-4 lb. of butter, 3-4 lb. |